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I had a lot of fun creating the custom tavern worlds, I hope you’ll enjoy it.
Horde Taverns with music & ambience:
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For the music titles turn on the CC (captions / subtitles) from YouTube bar.
Kul Tiran music is composed by David Arkenstone and Leo Kaliski
Kul Tiras Taverns, Tourney themes are composed by David Arkenstone
Taverns of Azeroth OST tracks are composed by David Arkenstone and Jason Hayes
World of Warcraft Taverns locations on this video:
0:00:00 Intro (Elwynn Forest, Maclure Vineyards)
0:00:50 Elwynn Forest, Goldshire
0:05:49 Goldshire Tavern, Lion’s Pride
0:16:39 Boralus Harbor
0:17:53 Hops, Line and Sinker Brewing Inn
0:23:04 Mariner’s Row
0:28:15 Curious Octopus Inn
0:32:50 Upton Borough
0:37:44 Norgwington Estate
0:42:13 Dun Morogh
0:44:30 Kharanos
0:46:11 Thunderbrew Distillery
0:57:05 Borean Tundra
0:59:01 Valiance Keep
1:02:28 Valiant Keep
1:14:08 Ashenvale, Astranaar
1:18:23 Astranaar Tavern
1:25:41 Outro (Don’t click!!)
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old & new World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
Please subscribe, like, and share the video to encourage me to create more content.
World of Warcraft content and materials (images, in-game footages, in-game music, soundtracks, OST) are trademarks and copyrights of Blizzard or its licensors. All rights reserved.
Thank you to all my Patreons & Youtube Membership & friends in general. I couldn’t do it without you.
Elie Z.
Jack Readman
Anikann Skywalker
Sheila Smith
Carlos Macazana
Max Klijnstra
Anna O’Grady
Dox (Matt)
Christopher Ferris
Jonah Morris
Eric Davis
Nikoleta Martináková
Vitali Green
Davids Stalidzans
Кирилл Сергеев
Jan Brzeski
Kora Moore
I can’t stand WoW music
Oliver Garwil
Eric S
Ciprian Pitorac
John Olex
Mert Kahraman
Karliky (Bugcraft)
Bellow the Stone
Péter Balogh
#Meisio #WorldofWarcraft #WoW
More roleplaying, but unfortunately very late with my videos. I've spent a lot of time to do this but I also had a lot of fun creating the custom tavern worlds (everything except Boralus is custom), I hope you'll enjoy it.
Do you like this video? Give it a like, listen to more (playlist links bellow), subscribe. Do you want to support my work? Details in the video description.
Horde Taverns Music & Ambience:
Elwynn Forest Music & Ambience:
All World of Warcraft music & ambience playlist:
Livestream with Music & Ambience:
With love,
From all i listen to in WoW, the tavern music especially Kul-Tiran is the best i ever heard and i liked the Zone a lot
sad to see wow fail. the music is eternal.
I hear this tavern music and It makes me wish that WoW would have stayed grounded. You current players have been on spaceships, to the afterlife, through portals to different timelines but I wish I could just go back to being regular adventurers in a regular fantasy setting Classic + would be a dream come true.
Another great piece Meisio! I've a question – why the Astranaar theme is the same as The Horse and The Lance from the Argent Tournament? Or maybe i'm wrong relating both themes. Cheers, your fan Nikolai.
World of Warcraft really is a masterpiece
Thank you very much for this absolutely godlike compilation <3
Bro, I love it!
Valiant Keep is such a good version of the Tavern variety!!!!!!!
This is a very nice take on tavern music @meisio Loving it so far
9:06 this part always gets me, also the melodic variations of this part they keep repeating in different ways in other songs. Its perfect, as if to subtetly hint that at the core there is always the same melancholy and values in those places. When i hear this particular flute and singing, i feel somehow sad and nostalgic for a place i will never be a part of, even as a small bystander. It is somehow a very unproductive thought, but knowing this will all end some day and there was no magic (not necessarily in the literal sense) in my life causes me to become teary.
Lovely video, so amazing 🙂 I'm listenign to it while playing! Quick question: Are all the songs from the game?
36:06 omfg please Oskar for this music. Amazing wtf… Fuckings wonderfull <3 dafaq 😉😉🎉🎉
my dudes 25:47 – 28:35 – I dub thee' The Royal Q'uartz Symphony LIT AF WTF
study music makes me want to log in and play WOW but I can't because I have to study… =(
17:53 The nostalgia of the Argent Tournament grounds always gets me, this is where i spent most of my time playing WoW at, becoming exalted with the Argent crusade and getting that sweet tabard that teleports you back to the place. Oh can't forget the amazing mounts available, all in preperation against the fight in Icecrown!
This is fantastic. The character emotes in the background really liven up the playlist.
I just put my headphones on and close my eyes and Walla I'm there drinking with fellow Azerothians. So great😊
Whats the name of the track at 6:07?
Oh man how I miss this game. Got no time to play it anymore, it's been years but the music takes me back to the younger and happiest times.
This is one of my favorite videos! Any chance for a version without the crickets (in most of the first half) ?
Ty meisio <3
oh to be a human in npc in the goldshire inn in elwynn forest….i'd sell my gf for that experience
Oh man you put so much effort into this vid I love it so much. The images are beautiful – Great work! This is my new go to video for work 🙂
temple of the moon is one of the best WoW tracks, EVER!
My favourite new evening habit is pouring myself a glass of chardonnay and putting this compilation on. Instantly sates my wanderlust and transports me to a cozy tavern somewhere.
This is probably one of my favorite videos you have produced @Meisio! Thank you for all that you do! I also love watching the drunken NPCs wobble to this amazing music.
25:50 is so good! Really get melancholic mariner vibe 💖
31:15 🥰
Despite the fact I dont play WoW for many years listening its music always brings good memories about happier times, about the world where we were not just playing but were living. Good old times, thank you.
Oque você quer? Vá com honra camarada.
Can anyone tell me what song is between 20:30 and 22:50? I can't find them anywhere and I love the afrobeat sound, I really want to add it to my playlist. Can anyone help me?
This is art.
I love every and single one of your videos. I am a software engineer and I listen one of your videos on a daily basis while coding, designing solutions, engineering, etc. It makes my work better!
Thank you!
The track that starts around 7:45 gives me goosebumps it's so good.
SINCE 2005 they're sill there drinking today!
Love this, this is my goto playlist when working. 🙂
meisio i listen to so many of your contributions, best on yt, many thanks my man.