That one player who wants to switch classes mid progression #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft

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14 thoughts on “That one player who wants to switch classes mid progression #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft”

  1. I would never switch to be meta but I seriously made like 8 ults during that mist of pandaria remix. I had a old Druid sitting around I just changed its race to troll that beserk racial is really nice I feel zhandalari would make amazing resto Druids, normal trolls good guardians, and worgan are best boomies with just a perma increase to 1 in crit outta those I picked my worgan boomy a troll guardian Druid a demon hunter havoc a holy undead priest and my Tauren pali so I feel it still I have a lot of ults I gotta get to level cap and get they’re gear going to get into mythics next 2 rotations


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