I would never switch to be meta but I seriously made like 8 ults during that mist of pandaria remix. I had a old Druid sitting around I just changed its race to troll that beserk racial is really nice I feel zhandalari would make amazing resto Druids, normal trolls good guardians, and worgan are best boomies with just a perma increase to 1 in crit outta those I picked my worgan boomy a troll guardian Druid a demon hunter havoc a holy undead priest and my Tauren pali so I feel it still I have a lot of ults I gotta get to level cap and get they’re gear going to get into mythics next 2 rotations
Me when all the drops were for my alts q.q
I've seen Lois naked
They keep switching classes complaining nothing is good when in reality they just haven't stuck with a class long enough to get good at it.
M+ makes me want to yank my skeleton out scrub it
I've learned over the years not to bother changing and just go along with the roller coaster that is my shadow priest
We have a rule in our raids,mains only raid on a weds/thurs. And there is always that one person who has their own rules and will not swap to DPS
Me laughing in DK 😅
Altoholics stand up!!!
Only want to switch after getting prio on loot. Then expect prio again xD😊
Honestly got bored and stopped playing
Fck your meta i love my prot pally
I swear this has cost us progression into heroic my guild is dieing out now.
I would never switch to be meta but I seriously made like 8 ults during that mist of pandaria remix. I had a old Druid sitting around I just changed its race to troll that beserk racial is really nice I feel zhandalari would make amazing resto Druids, normal trolls good guardians, and worgan are best boomies with just a perma increase to 1 in crit outta those I picked my worgan boomy a troll guardian Druid a demon hunter havoc a holy undead priest and my Tauren pali so I feel it still I have a lot of ults I gotta get to level cap and get they’re gear going to get into mythics next 2 rotations