The 10 BEST DPS Specs YOU Could MAIN In WoW The War Within!

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In The War Within, there are a ton of amazing classes out there.
But what are some Specs that are just BETTER overall? In todays video, we are going to be looking at some AMAZING classes you can MAIN in The War Within. This is gonna be super fun so LETS GO!
The War Within is right around the corner!
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00:00 – Intro
00:40 – Spec #1
02:07 – Spec #2
03:48 – Spec #3
05:20 – Spec #4
07:05 – Spec #5
08:20 – Spec #6
10:08 – Spec #7
12:14 – Spec #8
13:29 – Spec #9
15:00 – Spec #10
16:30 – THANK YOU ALL!!!!


27 thoughts on “The 10 BEST DPS Specs YOU Could MAIN In WoW The War Within!”

  1. What is your personal opinion about Templar/Havoc.

    The removal of Serenity on WW ruined the fantasy for me personally, not interested playing a disney version of a monk/pokemon master.

    I miss the martial aspect which I hoped would be present with Shado-Pan but its so underwhelming and removal of Serenity gutted the monk for me personally.

    I'm curious about your input, thank for the video, nice and informative, made sure to send it to all my friends.

  2. Unholy doesn't win FC or base maps 😅😅😅😅in rbgs so I won't be rolling that class I'll be doing either balanced druid or demon hunter which I play both for battleground blitz can't wait

  3. I think I'm locked in on what I'm gonna play.
    3.Death Knight
    I've played Warrior/Warlock for awhile now but I think it's time to dust off my old DK. Can't wait.

  4. im playing outlaw rogue the most and when i ask people they are saying that its not looking really good for the class in TWW but after i saw this video you gave me hope to keep playing my favorite class and not swap bc of what is ''meta'' Ty 🙂

  5. the pruning on all the classes removed depth and fun.
    THe sv rotation was not too much it had depth that pay off. Same as you said for shadow its just super boring now, you go through the same loop again and again with void torrent …. 🙁
    Dont know what blizzard is thinking it is warlord of draenor all over again with this prune..

  6. I still can’t decide what I want to main next patch. Demon Lock most likely as I have done this expansion. But love soloing on my BM Hunter too or bring my mage and dk out of retirement. Just can’t decide. Or something new. Ugh too many choices lol.


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