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Okay with the brand new raid opening up today as well as Mythic zeros arriving, there are a lot of specs out there that are simply dominating right now heading into the season, and we wanted to discuss that with you all. So today we’re bringing you the 10 best specs heading into season 1 so far in the war Within, And these specs are going to be rated off their skill curve required to play them, DPS potential in terms of single Target and AOE, As well as the design of the hero talents and the class overall, so let’s get into it.
Spcial shout out to
@Kussi_Slayer @HelloJTello @Kalamazii @VesperalTV
These guys make absolutley fantastic conent and this community would b no where without them. I cant play EVERY class in the endgame so ty fo aom of the clips!
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00:00 – Intro
02:55 – DPS Spec #1
04:35 – DPS Spec #2
06:10 – DPS Spec #3
08:11 – DPS Spec #4
10:00 – DPS Spec #5
11:55 – DPS Spec #6
13:45 – Tank Spec #1
15:02 – Tank Spec #2
16:30 – Healer #1
18:25 – Healer Spec #2
16:30 – Break The Record!
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These “best” classes in TWW Right now is based off data transitioning into the first few weeks of launch.
Of course this is subject to change DRASTICALLY This week.
This is based off:
1. Design of Hero Talents and Rotation
2. Skill Curve and if it's easy to play
3. Damage Overall in all content
As someone who mains a Hunter and main alts a Priest. This was a rough video lol. Hopefully the changes to Dark ranger fix things. As for priests. This is nothing new. Shadow always gets ignored due to there power in PVP
Rogues barely bring any utility? Is this an alternate dimenson?
I've mained an Unholy DK since Wrath came out and I'm so happy the class and spec seem to be in a good spot now. The removal of the cooldown reduction mechanics, the more streamlined playstyle and a decent mobility tool from the Riders hero talents definitely fixes what gripes I had with it in Dragonflight.
Also you having 2 pally specs on here and not one monk spec…monk dps is crazy and mistweaver heals is the best in the game next to shaman. 🤦🏻♂️
Rogue is god tier in Delves. All the niche stuff they have is really good in Delves, like Blackjack as one example. You also move really fast with that one Curio. The mobility is crazy.
Sorry mate, but the amount of terrible takes here are insane. Arcane is perhaps the absolutely least safe spec to pick right now, it's getting changes all the time and most of them even change the rotation. They are trying to nerf it but just succeed in nerfing fun while leaving the power pretty much intact.
Any top 10 that doesn't include arcane, frost mage, frost DK, all shamannspecs and assassination rogue is just wrong.
You forgot that they HAVE to open from stealth for Ambush there’s no more Garrote from stealth.
Once your first Deathstalked Target dies you can reapply it ONLY IF you use a max 7 Combo Point Envenom.
It’s a big caveat. Especially if you’re in a group with other strong AoE players.
another bs list. And i took the bait. Damn.
Sorry, I don't speak English well.
Could you make a video with your adons?
so the browser changed your life? :O
"by far one of the most"
While I usually enjoy your content this list is a little suspect for me. Fury/Arcane/Assass/Aff seem fine to me, Fury I'm leery on, but from Beta testing/numbers tuning/M+ beta testing Unholy has been second string to Frost for the entirety of testing in numbers/tuning and population. Not only that Ret is a solid casual spec that is doing well now while we are in low level content, but it doesn't have much of a ceiling once gear comes out and there is no mention of this. Both of these seem a little biased, especially since: Frankly the only Unholy I've seen was in Yoda Vids. I respect your opinion, but I do think you should include that this is a personal tier list.
Following that your tank picks are interesting: Warrior feels fantastic, but I have a problem that you didn't Guardian's performance and while I feel like you avoided it on purpose, it is the top contender for the spot in a majority of other videos. Again, this is your personal choice, but I do think you once again are biased on your take. You aren't taking into account it's offhealing potential, utility and flexibility it provides in a group setting with an incredible of ease of play. If you had said Guardian and Prot Warrior I would say this is fine, but the Veng pick isn't the call.
Healer picks are fine….? Holy paladin is not that great of a healer. It's very midstring and will perform well in lower content, but it isn't looking as good as you say it is.
As I said this list feels subjective and you are entitled to it, but after having very clean videos with good reasoning this one was a miss for me.
You just know warrior and paladin going to get nerfed into the fucking ground
I’m trying to level all the tanks this expac. I leveled warrior first then Pally and I just capped Monk and got him running heroics and I’m ENJOYING Monk right now since they trimmed down the button bloat.
Play what you want. Unless you’re part of the 0.1% your class is viable. Thanks for coming to this TED talk.
UH DK yes
to be fair, some good points were made in the vid. But most specs are doing quite well, so it ends up being more of a personal favourites (based on personal priorities) cause there's a lot of contention for top spot and it's more up to specific things you find important.
Like, although bear druid lacks a bit in damage (as usual); they make up for it in taking a lot of pressure off of the healer and being nigh-unkillable if played by a decent player.
But if you value other stuff more, then it doesn't make the list (IMO it still should have gotten an honorable mention xP )
the 'best' spec usually doesn't really exist unless you specify what they're the best at.
E.G. let's take tanks: if damage is your focus then a 'squishy' tank with good dps would be 'the best', if pure defensiveness/self reliance is the focus then bear tank will probably win out, if a balance of the 2 is the focus, then it'll be another spec that's a bit more balanced in def vs dps. It all depends on what you deem to be "the best".
In LFG etc bear druid is good due to it's defensiveness, doing content with randoms you don't know the quality of the players so taking pressure away from the healer is a massive bonus. But if you're in a premade group and know the quality of your players then a more balanced tank with more DPS might be preferable. (same for raid progression vs reclears, in progression a bear can lower the pressure a bit so people can learn the mechanics, but once the team is geared and knows the fights, a tank with more dps is preferred to speed up the kill)
just wanna say i found u on twitch a while ago by accident and clicked your youtube. Been checking daily for videos since, love how your videos are well put together
Thanks sky. I am really overwhelmed with the options in tww so far. Luckily randomly lvld fury and affliction to 80 first haha
idk man played ww monk in raid last night and not a single class out dpsed me
Dope vid , you making me want 2 give unholy dk a try
Long time BM main. I changed to survival this time around, and it's doing good.
I thought frost did more damage than unholy?
Every person in the dk community is saying frost is currently better than unholy atm. Not sure why this guy is saying unholy is ranked 1
Poor shamans and shadow priest there always never the best ever 😂🥲
Patiently waiting for the nerf to ret pally that puts us back in the ground where blizzard likes us.
My ret pally at 589ilvl was 5th dps in LFR. DH was the only other melee to out do me. Mages were the other 3
i main unholy death knight. Best Class! I have no WoW Friends but i can still do everything I want by myself
I wonder what will be changed after the frist friday of raid release.
Great guide!! Thanks! can you also do it for pvp?
3:00 skip ad
Link your ret build of choice?
Came back to wow during the remnant event and played all my classes to cap and I chose Rogue after I got it to 70 as my main for this expansion and it's been a blast to play. Assassination is nasty fun
Glad to see Assassination Rogue getting acknowledgement from a lot of different circles. I have mained that since end of Cata no matter what.
Nice crucifix, fella, good man! Nice vid, btw.
I main resto sham, the only thing I think is missing is guardian druid, 1000% the best tank in the game and the easiest to heal. Also frost DK is insane.
WW monk is amazing in tww
Bro forgot frost dk 😂
So I main both fury and enhancement, I love enhance BUT sadly it feels like a chore to get pop off quickly like fury, I wish enhance was a less complicated spec, which build for sham do you prefer to use??
meanwhile me on mm destroying evryone in overall dmg. I was beaten onec by retri pala in siege of bolarus m0. he did 1,3mln i did 1,2 or smth like that. On raids with pugs im mostly 2-4th never first becouse arcane is just to good
Assassination brings no utility you say?
Can silence mobs for 6 seconds and reduces their damage done by 15% for 8 seconds. (We can spam this for a few seconds and mass apply it)
Kidney shot is one of the best stuns in the game.
We now have a aoe cc in blind
Shroud skips
Many different poison options. From making enemies do 3% less damage to everyone to making them have 15% slower cast and attack speed
Rogue is extremely tanky and can be ignored by the healer is some massive damage situations by avoiding it all with cloak or evasion
Tricks of the trade. Having a misdirect when most classes are pulling over 1mil dps in the first few globals helps the tanks drastically, also very helpful on picking up ads on bosses
So. No utility?