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Plumber and DialogueUI are a perfect combination, and both have had major updates.
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Details and DBM?
What is the addon showing the larger vendor window at 9:26??
honestly they should just hire Peter
Nah I use Leatrix Plus so I don't have to see quest text 😜
Is it me or does Bellurar move his head a lot?
I will never understand how this is not incredibly embarrassing for Blizzard. Why are they not the ones implementing these relatively easy quality of life changes?
SO two more addons that play a bit more of the game for us!
Thanks a lot. I'm diving into these realms after a decade long hiatus and my main focus on this journey is the Lore and the flavors. These addons are a very nice touch.
So, Plumber is the WoW version of Simpletweaks. Getting that, yes
I have these on and love them
Wasn't using Plumber. Fixed that.
so glad i quit this game. blizzard made it easy for me. 😅
I wish I could move the award box that blocks my button that I have in the center lower corner art of the screen. That’s annoying af
You should check out Chatty little NPC its an addon on curse uses AI to voice act out the quest text. That combined with Immersion is amazing specially if you use the taking head for quests and have the rest of your UI blanked out while reading the quest.
Does it work for classic?
Does anyone know what nameplates those are??
And here I am just installing add ons making question instans
. Auto choose rewards etc.. 😅
Ha nice, I have wanted to know what that DialogUI addon is for a while, I have seen some people use it and didn't know the name. I will say though, I do not think PDFs are an immersive experience vs google docs though lol
fuckin hell I've had Plumber for ages.. never realized I had to turn the shit on!
Did you know the skyriding medals also appear in the tooltip of the buff that you get near a course starting point.
I still don't see the advantage of using Dialogue UI over Immersion.
Knew about DIalogueUI but didn't know about Plumber. Amazing addon. Thanks!
Almost every feature plumber added I thought was a blizzard addition holy shit
Sadly there is one massive oversight on Dialogue UI: The line about your warband having done the quest is missing.
I didn't have the loot window feature under plumber.
For plumber, in the loot window, I dont have the option for "force auto loot". Did they remove that?
I have entirely forgotten how to add addons.
I've already been playing for a long time with some very similar features from other addons…. I've been using "Imersion"…. and "Dynamic Cam"… for a long time now. The combination of the two don't seem to have all the functionality of "Plumber", but is very similar for the visual effects on NPC interaction, and quest dialog, etc…. I couldn't imagine playing any other way. I'll have to check these two out. Thanks for the video.
They made $100 million off a mount, they can't hire voice actors.?
OH! So Plumber was why people just kept telling me to press the mount button to summon mounts instead of having the mount tab open. xD Okay, that makes W A Y more sense now.
"Nobody wants to do that" , if you want to improve there are a lot of things you can do but if you DON'T want to improve keep doing what you are doing. EASY!!.
Nice add-ons. A little off topic but, does anyone use a program called Zygor? I heard it is a "game changer." Is this worth $8 a month?
20 years later and we still can't get in-game NPC voice actors and audio quest text that has been in other games for (at a minimum) the last 15 years aside from the 'on-click' repeating voices (funny how a dead character will speak to you when you click them).
Or they try to do non-voiced dialogue, but by the time you have handed in the quest and the characters start talking, you're half way around the world because it's just dialogue in your chat bar that gets buried with other text/dialogue and you totally missed out on some lore. There was a quest in Dragon Isles where this happened and I posted about it in WoWhead, got a lot of thumbs up for that one because I didn't realize the quest dialogue was separate from everything else going on.
That alone would boost the game to a whole other level.
I really like the post-loot window. I'm not sold on Dialogue Ui. It looks nice but its already been annoying me. It even triggers the zoom-in when you open a quest from your adventure guide, and will cancel when you run too long (as if you're talking to an NPC)
I imagine it'll do the same when someone shares a quest with you…
I only installed plumber back than for the easy seed planting. Now looking at everything it does, damn. I thought it is from the game itself. xD
I added Plumber a while after the Emerald Dream area in Dragonflight opened, when I discovered it would make planting the seeds easier, as well as announcing where you planted it & the type.
What an outstanding video! I've gone back and am running an alt, so I won't miss any of the lore. I ran my main through without reading anything- just wanted to get the ring. So now I can enjoy the story at my leisure.
Unfortunately the extra Backpack Item Tracker is not working. Hope it gets fixed soon.
Also getting a charger for my phone and airpods
thanks so much for recommending this! i got this just before you uploaded this but I'm happy to see this being shown to others! its beautiful and I just switched from storyline to this (and I loved that one as well) I also got plumber before this as well! haha thanks Bellular!
(a player whos been sorely behind due to life – I do wish blizz would slow down a bit I feel like events are just overlapping, things are overwhelming, but maybe I'm just bad)
~Mouse 🐁
I would say they should hire him, but the thing is I'm sure they have people who are just as talented and (because of the mechanics of actually working at Blizzard) are unable to do the kind of stuff he does.
I wish the text-to-speech offers more depth. I believe it already does male and female differences, but i'd like to be able to choose other speeches for different races as well.
There is a bee mount to get? 😳
I love your addon videos!