The 5 BEST Classes YOU Could MAIN In WoW The War Within!

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In The War Within, there are a ton of amazing classes out there.
But what are some classes that are just BETTER overall? In todays video, we are going to be looking at some AMAZING classes you can MAIN in The War Within. This is gonna be super fun so LETS GO!
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00:00 – Intro
00:40 – Class #1
03:13 – Class #2
06:00 – Class #3
09:14 – Class #4
12:00 – Class #5
14:50 – Class #6
17:50 – Outro


38 thoughts on “The 5 BEST Classes YOU Could MAIN In WoW The War Within!”

  1. Looks like I have to choose between DK or Mage. Probably going to go with DK since you can fulfill 2 roles; tank & dps and I am so much more comfortable tanking.

  2. I kinda have to question the entire video when I hear "all three of these specs are very high tier when it comes to DPS" when Fire is literally lower damage than two tank specs. Also frostfire is way way lower damage in ST than the other 2 hero talents, and slightly below in AoE. Unless something changed in the last 2-3 days I guess.

  3. what i really like about this, especially the title of the video, is that you're making suggestions for the viewers rather than a tier list. What frustrates me so much, is i see so many people making tier lists for TWW and i'm just sitting here like "bro, you made a tier list for healers, you made one for dps, but why? you're gonna need to make one for when the expansion actually drops because classes are getting buffed, nerfed and reworked basically daily up until the release. It's not actually helping anyone" so thank you sky. I try not to be a meta slave but at the same time, when it comes to gaming, i also don't want to play a class that's just absolutely abysmal comparatively to other similar classes numbers wise. Its' even harder to avoid that when it's an mmo since you know some healers, tanks and dps are just gonna be better and some will underperform compared to them

  4. Haven't played WoW in ages, but definitely a fury warrior. A simple armored brute who causes absolute destruction in his path. Fury is his oath.

    I can't get into the game as I feel it's way too late. Bought it back in 2013 but didn't have anything to run it lol.

  5. Not gonna be too critical, but how are Mage and Death Knight at 6/10 on group utility ? Mass barrier alone puts mage at 7/10, that is without talking about Bloodlust, and food for M+, also Mage has a Raid buff, one of the shortest interrupts, Dragon's breath, Blast Wave and like 5 personal defensive buttons…

    Also I do think Mage has the most varied builds in the game, if you look at Mage sims there are a lot of different builds within each others range even within the same hero talent build,

    And this is coming from a Mage main, good video though

  6. As always, the truest answer of all is "What do you find fun?"
    Performance and meta be damned.
    I'm playing Survival yet again because I find it fun.
    Mages are always relevant, sure, but I find them mind numbing to play, but that's just me.
    Harpoons, bombs and spears. I'm a happy guy.

  7. I'm so torn on what to play but I appreciate the video <3 It was wonderful seriously torn between my normal mains DK and Mage always then thinking of playing Evoker (to skip dps que for m+ as Aug) Warlock or even idk =////

  8. Thinking about jumping into WoW. I was a FFxi player. Played in 1 of the top clans in NA for 10 years. I dont care for FF14 and want to find a mmo to get back into.
    I never had WoW on my radar bcuz I didn't want to start new in a game that's been out for 30years and be at a severe disadvantage.
    But…. I'm curious to know what character should I start out with, if I were to play WoW, and want to learn the games mechanics, layout, keyfigs, movements, and battle system? I enjoy doing lots of damage but I also like support classes as in buffs and debuffs and crowd control. I have all the free time in the world, so time learning isn't an issue. I also enjoy soloing stuff that isn't supposed to be soloed and like leveling solo. Not sure how leveling is in this game, but in ffxi 98% of the leveling was group based.
    Any suggestions would be much appreciated! I'll look into those classes if suggested!


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