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Trying to push some 3v3 rating with Nighty and Pylly
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#snupy #feraldruid #shadowlands
sad reality, even BG alliance queue times are 3-5 minutes now. Bring 9.1 out already 🙁
just wait for tbc hype to die
Sad… time to make a feral Druid TBC.
So annoying the whole lfg is just boosts carries etc that's all you see at least 90 percent anyway. Can never push ffs
try tbc for fun or play other games 🙂 the game dead long time ago
It's just you show up with your 178 ilv 22k hp and get 1 shot by a 18k the hunt… who's going to log on for that?
damn blizzard wants to sit on two chairs at the same time
its a normal quetime for high mmr. also people prefer 2s.
fxxx tbc
Retail pvp meta is trash, pvp gameplay is braindead, and lfg system is so f…ing outdated and not intuitive at all to search for certain things
Kinda sad to see. But it's not surprising unfortunately.
We all know the solution, implement solo queue !
Are you NA or EU?
Play TBC lol
Ripperoni pepperoni.
mojka ha det bra
US servers aren’t as dead but you can tell it’s pretty bad off right now.
Dead game
My 2 friends and I were waiting avg. 10min to find games in 3v3 last night
YouTube Algorithm
Edit: I get like 5 or 6 minute queues at 1900 and it's all against people with like 300 honor level // glads messing around
Thats what happens when the average player can't hit ilv 226. We just got God stomped to many times in areas and can't hit 226 without someone's help
Love u snupy but if you’re still playing wow in 2021 I’ve got bad news 😔
i player wow for 9 years and have recently stopped and have never been happier lol
R1 Players helping you add me on discord accepting gold on all realms
we need someone to do a "dude" counter
I honestly don't know what Blizzard is doing with 9.1 Sadge
Sometimes I think blizzard makes wrong decisions on purpose to make people slowly forget about wow, yoink their money and close wow servers forever
Everyone’s having fun in tbc