The Best 1v1 Class in Shadowlands

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Dueling each class and spec on the Shadowlands Beta. In my last duel video I said shadow priest is top tier for duels and making this video reassured me of that 100%


00:00 Intro
02:00 Rogue
06:27 Paladin
09:08 Monk
11:42 Druid
14:36 Death Knight
20:06 Shaman
25:28 Demon Hunter
27:13 Warlock
30:21 Hunter
32:41 Warrior
37:05 Mage
44:47 Priest


48 thoughts on “The Best 1v1 Class in Shadowlands”

  1. I don't wanna be that guy because i like seeing classes perform well… but 1 cast of a heal and you're full health seems a bit much. a casted LOH probably should see a reasonable nerf that still keeps it competitive but not to the point where you can CC a person, cast a heal once and fully top yourself when you're below 15%.

  2. pvp looks fun again, spells doing decent dmg like they should, not like 13 of autoattack, flesh heals actually heal you but cost decent amount of mana, except for arms warriors ofc, but thats their fate what can i say 😀

  3. I always can't understand where the insane sustain comes from these pvp…I'm not noob in wow, but noob in pvp, always tried to fall in love with it, but just can't get the gist of it. Seems like everyone has their separate healer on the side, watching these videos….No idea.

  4. How was the Frost DK Healing so much?? Lichborne+Deathcoil in my experience is high cost/low return heals and he was healing from a distance so it wasn't Death Strikes?

  5. Monks are just a pain in the ass and so unnecessary in the game 🤮😑 and druids are just good in what they are doing since day one running away and spamming moonfire 🤣 meteor without db befor is so dumb 🤦

  6. "outlaw not that difficult just survive the opener then they die" hmmm 20% hp 1 shadow mend 100% yeah I guess its not that hard if you have lay on hands without cd

  7. i think your video is nice, good commentary and nice to see some duels. but "best 1v1 class. in Shadowlands" is a very missleading title when you stack up a bunch of people that doesnt play their class well and make an assumtion on what class is better. a better DK player would probably do WAY better vs you overall for example.

  8. You can't play 3 dances on rogue according to Pshero himself, maybe the first dance just came off CD? Or maybe he's just a god and it seemed like he had 3 dances lmao


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