The Best Tank for Each Covenant? – Shadowlands 9.1.5 Tier List

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If you have to pick a tank, or maybe any class at all, to play as a single covenant, what would it be?

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0:00 Intro
1:49 Kyrian
7:55 Venthyr
15:35 Necrolord
21:30 Night Fae
30:32 Outro


7 thoughts on “The Best Tank for Each Covenant? – Shadowlands 9.1.5 Tier List”

  1. Just a fun little video I wanted to make that combines the comparative elements that are popular everywhere with the chase for flavor of class and spec I am so in love with.
    Let me know what you guys think fits the most for each!

  2. So as somebody who played kyrian bear in dungeon its ok you both gain the boost when you empower so if you bond with a dps you they give you their dmg and you take some of theirs but sadly the dmg they give you get throttled as only 10% gets used per ability and the pooled dmg only lasts 10 sec so alot is lost normally the last tier of bron would deal more dmg than the ability overall in a dungeon all in all its not the worse but its def not the best

  3. It’s been said before and needs to be said again, your voice and opinions on this game and how to approach it in the users most enjoyable way first and foremost before “sim numbers” needs to be seen by more of the player base

  4. I agree with your tier list, and i would like to add that some classes will feel kind of missing something as soon as we jump into the next expansion because some convenant spells fits so well with the spec. As Bear main, i just fell in love with Convoke and Divine Toll on my Prot.

  5. I played a bit of Vengeance Demon Hunter with Sinful Brand, and if I can add something about it, its the fact that the biggest effect of this spell is when you use metamorphosis but metamorphosis is already your big CD to have better survivability… So this is kind of a waste, b/c personnally, I would have prefer a better survivability with this spell while outside of metamorphosis, which gives already a lot of defensiveness… The DPS is really good tho, but yeah, thats my opinion! Great video!! Thx!!

  6. Here's my list based off play testing all classes in m+ and power level imo=)

    Kyrian – Monk – DH – Pally – Warr – DK – Bear
    Fae – Bear- Warr – DH – DK – monk – pally
    Venthyr – Pally – Bear – DH – DK – Warr – Monk
    Necro – DK – warr – Monk – DH – pally – bear

    this is made b4 watching so idk how we line up

  7. the reason venthyr bear is OP is cuz the extra thrashes from the lego add extra revenous fury stacks cascading onto itself. once they get the venthyr lego its officially over for everyone else. theyll go from 35-40 stacks to 60-80 stacks i honestly dont know how they can tune that.


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