The BEST & WORST Melee DPS Specs Ranked In WoW The War Within! | Tier List

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In The War Within, there are a ton of amazing melee dps specs out there.
But what are some that are just BETTER overall? In todays video, we are going to be looking at some AMAZING Melee dps you could MAIN in The War Within. This is gonna be super fun so LETS GO!
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00:00 – Intro
01:06 – S -Unholy DK
02:35 – S -Enhancement Shaman
04:23 – S – Fury Warrior
06:18 – A – Windwalker Monk
08:00 – A – Survival Hunter
09:42 – A – Ret Paladin
11:49 – B – Frost DK
13:30 – B – Havoc Demon Hunter
15:28 – C+ – Arms Warrior
17:05 – C – Sub Rogue
19:13 – D+ – Feral Druid
21:30 – D – Outlaw Rogue
23:10 – D – Assassination rogue
25:20 – RECAP VISUAL!!!!!!!!!!


37 thoughts on “The BEST & WORST Melee DPS Specs Ranked In WoW The War Within! | Tier List”

  1. It feels so bad for triple dps class to have 0 competitive choice… as a rogue main since forever I watch every content creator video in the hope of seeing changes that will save us 1 month away from release

  2. Ret paladin was bloated with so many buttons? Cmon u had to press 3 abilities and it was at least fun with 4set. Now its gonna be extremely boring because there isnt even a space for making any mistakes, because there are no buttons at all now in tww lol. Felt like I got robbed when I logged into beta tww and everything turned into passives.

  3. Furry Warrior and Frost DK aways will be my favorite melee DPS. I don't care about numbers, i aways play the class and spec i think have fun gameplay and visuals. It's a videogame after all, no one should be obsessed about number and play a class/spec that don't like just to have better results.

  4. Guys stop take all ranking on prepatch to choose main…..i play since vanilla all.rank false. At this point all class scale whit gear like warrior , hunter ect are first dps at prepatch cause ilvl all this class will fall.down on dps at start of new expac 100% sure. Dont take all ranking to main class. Play what you like. Do you tink really people.will take warr or sv hunt in mm+ grp before taking havoc ,dk or ret pal you dream . Warr give noting to grp . Havoc ,ret pal ,dk have huge toolkit to help whit affix ect. Use your brain instead youtube ranking.

  5. Shaman has so many buttons but once you really get the priority down, it’s a lot of fun. Would never call it a rotation on shaman, bc there are so many different things to do that it really is just prioritization.

  6. Oh man, Blizzard knocked Rogue out of the park!

    Can you believe these amazing Hero talents!? And they made Coup De Grace so brilliant and so amazing that you aren’t even allowed to spec out of it!

    Rogues are eating right now

  7. Returning player here… always played a ranged class and wanted to try a melee yet i keep hearing/reading from several sources that you have to move a lot during boss battles meaning a lot of downtime. Is it really the case in your opinion?

  8. Nice video just i'm not sure about unholy vs frost imo unholy get even more nerf than frost and it's frost now that is more played in high keys in beta. But maybe i'm wrong


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