Why blizzard doesn't make these cinematics.. with the equipment of Blizzard and this guys like IKedit, Hurricane, all together making blizzard stands up once more in the glory.. but no, they're making money so bad and making shitty trailers like the High school musical video they released yesterday.. lel
Hi Ikedit i hope you are doing great, im just here to remind you of the class series that you started and let us exited for mooore please dont quit the series i personally love them, sorry for my bad english 🙁
burning crusade >>>>> shadowland
You should do Lament of the Highborne. And please use Sylvanas’s model from WotLK.
Hermoso fue la primera expansión que jugué el mundo de war Craft es realmente hermoso
Спасибо чувак, хорошие работы. )
"You are not prepared"
music in TBC especially Sin'dorei related ones are much better than Classic
the most epic soundtrack of a login screen !!!
Just stumbled on to this channel, this is actually insane! You are very talented my man!
Hyjal's music, no Hyjal cutscenes, me sad 🙂
Great work btw, I enjoyed it!!
even if some1 dislikes WoW or TBC… at least don't dislike his insane passion on making such awesome videos!
Love it. buddy you should do Zul gurub that would be a bad ass video with all the cool abilities the bosses did and hakkar
Should there be a different timeline in Wrath or something to Avoid Classic Cata?
0:42 kinda reminds of Warcraft II and its amazing (by those times) cinematics and short vids… used to be epic.
Damn, if this would be the ingame graphic from the classic series, it would be so dope. Great job man!
hey biggest fan here of ikedit please show us how to create fragstorm csgo just like you
Why blizzard doesn't make these cinematics.. with the equipment of Blizzard and this guys like IKedit, Hurricane, all together making blizzard stands up once more in the glory.. but no, they're making money so bad and making shitty trailers like the High school musical video they released yesterday.. lel
IKedit CSGO Pls +1
hey dude can you please tell me where do you get those like other person perspective clips?
^_^ que recuerdos
hi from an old fan, please tell me is it possible to update Tales of the Past 3 with your powers?
Niiiice!!! ARE YOU PREPARED!!?!?
congrats man, i saw ur video for mdi season 3 shadowlands and was amazing, good luck and i love ur videos
He's got a passion. Long time no see that in Blizz these days. Masterpiece!
Will the Rise of the Zandalari trailer be a future remastered project?
Hi Ikedit i hope you are doing great, im just here to remind you of the class series that you started and let us exited for mooore please dont quit the series i personally love them, sorry for my bad english 🙁
Hope to see an Ikedit hype trailer for Wotlk Classic!
Is he alive?
to bad this channel dead.
Love to see Dragonflight videos
my eyes were not prepared
Hi, no more videos ?
F blizzard, F IK
Come back I wanna see the mage cinematic 😢