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11.0.7 documents confirm that Azshar’s return is imminent! Get amazing deals with my discount code ‘DORON’
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Brand new information just confirmed that Queen Azshara’s grand return is finally just around the corner and this will be a very different Azshara than we had previously seen, a void monstrosity and very likely the right hand of Xal’atath herself. Back in Dragonflight Azshara’s return was already confirmed based on a prophecy that ended up essentially spoiling the entire storyline of Dragonflight and the War Within. However now in 11.0.7 the naga from Legion have mobilized and they are on siren isle gathering artifacts in order to summon her. This means that Queen Azshara is very likely returning even as soon as 11.1.5 but it seems very likely that we will see her in the War Within and she might even be the final boss. So let’s look at what all this new information is.
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What do you expect her to look like? Also get amazing deals with my discount code 'DORON'
First 🥰
Sorry, but you people don't see a problem with this type of writing? ? Azshara was taken by N'Zoth. In this expansion we find out that Xal'atath is working directly for a Void Lord and that the Old Gods are somewhat against her or they have other plans than her and Void Lords, so if we've seen N'Zoth took her, how can she return as Xal'atath right hand? How can this be a good story telling?
if only she could come back as her elf form & perhaps a redemption arc, I’m getting tired of the naga aesthetic. She would turn so many heads as an expansion lead in her blue skin beauty, maybe as someone we can’t fully trust but she could betray xalatath or the void too and side with us idk.. id just rather see a rebuilt highborne society or the heroes help lead them from their aquatic life back to civilization and perhaps back to arcane mastery.. who needs kirin tor when you could have the highborne & other elves creating a magic metropolis of their own.
I don't know if Azshara would be willingly subservient to anyone. Work alongside, maybe as an equal if they are one of the original creative forces of the universe.
Turning Azshara into a void abomination is not ok imo.
Blizz will not make a female character be subservient to any other character… even when they do (Sylvanas and the Jailer) they will declare themselves unbowed, unbent and unbroken in true woke fashion
Azshara Tentacles and Xal'atath Feet 😉
Yay let’s go back to nazjatar and farm lower ilevel gear required for raid
I really hope they don't bring Azshara back just to kill her off in a few patches. Seems like a waste of a potentially good villain.
On the time table,on the end you see green color so this means the burning legion will join the fight
Imagine come 11.1.5 Azhara returns and summons her void lords, only for him to get assassinated by N'Zoth and Y'shaarj by midnight who are now allies by circumstance
Nooo the "Hero's journey" is ruined!
Azshara is a Queen that won’t bow down to a void servant let alone a god! I think we’re going to get azshara vs XALATATH vs players
More like Xal'atath is Azshara's right hand.
I would love to see another underwater zone like Vashj'ir I loved the zone in Cataclysm
I can see azshara and elesand returning but not as right hand , they are both so arrogant to be side kick
azshara as boss ? again ? meh…
Well, Azshara DID carry her around for quite a while before giving them to the players so they can get rid of N'Zoth (don't forget that N'Zoth would have been absolute unstoppable without Xal'atath cutting through his defense).
Azshara is the great all consuming serpent Zoval was trying to stop.
Talking about Naga, I wonder what happenned to the Naga the Demon Hunter recruits to the Order Hall during Legion
it had been said at blizzcon and even after that it was hinted at that Queen Azshara will be returning but we may not recognize her appearance especially if she doesn't look like a naga anymore i knew players hadn't heard the last of her and she is probably still powerful
considering her arrogance and ego, azshara being someone's servant seems unlikely unless there's mind control in play or a huge reward on the line. she's simply too narcissistic to be a follower without an agenda/reward of her own.
Void Azshara
Btw! If Cyrce is pronounced as the greek godess Circe, then its pronounced "Cersei", exactly as in GoT
For some reason I imagine Azshara as stronger than Xal'atath. I also don't think she'd serve as a right hand to Xal. Weren't some of her final words "I'm tired of dealing with intermediaries." Xal'atath is an intermediary to the Void Lords.
funny how you sell everything as new information as it was very obvious that Naga will be back since Azshara left or atleast by the constant amount of naga in this expansion.
she sad she will skip oldgods on go to the next level. you even mention it in the Video
and what about your wisper Lore….. we KNOW they all have multiple meaning so stop using them for 1 SINGLE event. "dark heart left broken for the taking" can OBVIOUSLY be interpreted as Alleria too. Maybe even anduin if we count his strong PTSD as "dark"
i really want to have a Lore talk with you one day man. there are so many fucked up conecpets, conpletly wrong conclusions and missunderstandings on a VERY broad level.
I hope we don't kill Queen Azshara, I can fix her.
I think it's more likely she comes back as an ally and then we get Naga allied race at some point.
Right hand? left hand, right foot, left foot. I already told you AZSHARA IS XALATATH!
How many times do we have to defeat Azshara?
Peace on Azeroth.