The Caverns of Time Contains a Massive World of Warcraft SECRET.

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Hello all,

Check out what secrets lie in the bronze dragonflight’s impressive lair. For years I’ve wondered what truly laid outside the invisible barriers. Join me in discovering their secrets.

Fee free to comment where you’d like to see me attempt to glitch out of bounds next. I’m hoping the Caverns of Time becomes my first series on the channel.

Thanks for watching!

#wowglitches #outofbounds #cavernsoftime

Intro to the Caverns of Time: 0:00-1:56
How I discovered the Glitch: 1:56-5:55
Time to Explore: 5:55-9:23
Discovery 1: 9:23-9:58
Discovery 2: 9:58-11:00
Discovery 3: 11:00-12:03
Conclusion: 12:03-13:11

1) Darkness of My Sun by The 126ers
2) Cosmic Love by Bruno E.
3) Lost Time by Eveningland
4) Epic Battle Speech by Wayne Jones


22 thoughts on “The Caverns of Time Contains a Massive World of Warcraft SECRET.”

  1. Watched a few of your videos so far and really enjoyed this one as I've wondered about this for a long time and finally seeing it is amazing. Good job and keep up the great vids, you've now got another subscriber. Now to consider where I would like to see you glitch out of bounds . Hmmmm …

  2. this is one of my very favorite places in all of WoW!! i absolutely love this view and omg, when you sat on top of the rock with the bronze dragon, that was just so beautiful. i felt a dream be fulfilled that i didn’t even know i had 😄

  3. I remember, back in Cata Beta, and possibly at the initial release of Cata, that there was no collision at the roof of the caverns and you could just fly up into Tanaris

  4. I know I'm hella late, but I was exploring the Alterac Mountains ogre area in old hillsbrad and there's a certain spot coming up the hill towards the left side (if you're facing the cave) of the small cave that the Grinch is in during Winterveil where you kinda phase underground a little bit and you're basically standing on top of the Cavarns of time, giant hourglass and all. Might be worth investigating.


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