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► Check Out My Goldmaking Guide For Classic WoW, The Ultimate Classic WoW Goldmaking Guide (Season of Discovery & Classic WoW) here:
This is a Gold Guide focused on the Vanilla WoW universe, hyper-focusing on Farming Gold effectively & investing your gold into items for profit! The methods discussed in this guide are the same ones I used to make 10,000 gold back in Classic WoW in 2019, and has made me a lot of gold in every version of Vanilla WoW since (Classic WoW, Hardcore Servers, Season of Mastery, Season of Discovery).
By purchasing this guide you will also get early access to goldmaking content such as goldmaking videos, aswell as exclusive content through a Discord Server you get access to!
► Get The BEST Leveling Guide for Classic WoW from RestedXP!
This is a Leveling Guide Built on Quality by Speedrun World Record Holders in Classic WoW & Wrath of the Lich King Classic and you can try the Addon FOR FREE Before deciding whether or not to buy it! They have 2 separate guides for Classic Era, one based on speedleveling, and one based on getting to level 60 as safe as possible, making it PERFECT for Official Hardcore Servers!
► Check Out My Goldmaking Guide for The War Within:
This Guide will help you maximize your profits in The War Within by showing you specific Profession Builds, Goldfarms, and various Goldmaking Secrets I’ve picked up from Alpha & Beta, aswell as years of making gold in World of Warcraft! The guide also comes with access to an exclusive goldmaking community, where I will share early access to videos, exclusive videos, aswell as dive deeper into goldmaking!
This guide is also a one-time-purchase, and you will get any future updates sent to you directly by email FOR FREE!
You can use the code “Solheim” to get the guide for 50% off!
Buying my War Within Goldmaking Guide also comes with access to the Dragonflight Goldmaking Guide FOR FREE, helping you get prepared for the upcoming expansion!
► Get 20% off Zygor Guides with the code “SolheimTV”
Zygor is The ULTIMATE Addon For Retail WoW, and has Guides for Questing, Leveling, Goldmaking, Goldfarming, Achievement-Hunting, Reputations, you name it! This guide has pretty much everything and will definitely help you in your journeys through The War Within!
Fresh Progression Servers For Classic WoW has officially been announced! We are getting Fresh Classic Progression Servers (PvE & PvP) ASWELL as a Fresh Hardcore Server for Classic WoW! These fresh servers also brings with them a completely fresh economy, which provides insane classic wow goldmaking possibilities & certain classic wow goldfarms will be insanely good early in these fresh servers lifespan!
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► Check Out My Goldmaking Guide For Fresh Classic WoW here:
► Get The BEST Leveling Guide for Classic WoW from RestedXP!
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What’s the summary ? I’m
Not watching this dude talk any longer lol
I've said this In-Game Blizzard does not care about Bots at all because the Bots are a net positive for them. Paying monthly accounts, that boost their player numbers, and as a group represent thousands of "players" that will never ask them for a damn thing. Bots don't whine about Class Balance, No changes, Yes changes, Classic+, etc.
the classic wow content creator arena is WAY overly saturated with crap content. they should god go away. same content from diff people = bad content for people to consume. Freshen it up dude, your falling into the same trap. You all need to VOTE WITH YOUR WALLET AND STOP PLAYING.. quit crying, and quit playing.
Super glad they got rid of GDKP, definitely fixed the RMT and Bot issue
Yeah I started hunting bots as well on Nightslayer. Since it's basically a TBC waiting room for me so why not. I still report but the response it weak.
who cares, shit video
I think it's the way people play classic like the live version.
We already know that Blizzard don't give a shit about their Customers.
I mean has anyone tried raising Tickets with them in the last 6 months?
The AI automated responses are a joke, generic, repetitive and generally Useless.
You are so lucky if you get an actual "person" to communicate with, that you should be spending money on Lottery tickets in the real world and probably got better odds than having an issue resolved by Blizzard 😜
Well what did you expect
Bots ruined it for me… never going to be 2004 again.
Never thought that wow would ever become such a botter shithole.
This why you play Turtle wow and wait for project epoch.
This is easy to stop, you ban buyers. I don’t hate bots, I hate gold buyers and boost buyers. Ban them and rest go away.
its always bad. its all content creators put out for years.. also i suspect the companies running the bots and or the rmt sites pay blizzard a portion of the profits to look the other way
Just play Turtle WoW 🙂
Problem is not bots, problem is players. If the players woudlnt buy gold there would be no bots. Simple as that.
Wow er over, la det bli et minne.
Shame blizzard
Blizzard isn’t going to spend a dime on Classic WoW. Pipe dream.
I love bots keeps my consumes and gold cheap.
ROFL WTF is your problem? Everyone I know is having a blast in classic right now…
I'm having a blast
But if they banned the bots, the bots has to get new accounts. Cause they are not going to stop. So that dosent fly with me. That blizzard are just ignoring it. They would earn more money by banning. But perhaps Blizzard havent thougt about it.
Honestly classic is more lit than it’s ever been
Big companies have no problem turning a blind eye to bad things if it benefits them in some way, we see it way too often
Blah blah, blizz does nothing about bots. We have bots because of players. Period. It's because players keep buying gold. If player stopped buying bots go away overnight look at ERA right now, no customers, no bots. It's the community fault
as a pvper I don’t get why ppl that don’t like pvp still play tbh
Y’all are so fried
You know we used to pay $15/month for a good experience. Now they want to charge you for garbage. The worst I ever saw was the dual boxers but they were really rare.
There is Dog buried some were with the ide that Blizzard earn most money by letting bot be. If your own stocks in Blizzard you would rly like to see a change in mind here, and a massive hunt to ban bots. If your a stock owner you would like to see Blizzard's personal hunt and ban bots 24/7. Why? Because every bot they ban they will get a new subscribe in less than 1-5 hors. Gold sellers and bots always make a new account and subscribe again when a bot gets banned. They then set the bot on a level up bot program. There could only be one logical
explanation why Blizzard don't hunt bots with highest prio. And that reason is that Blizzard personal have side income by selling Gold. If you are a Stock owner you would also start an investigation and to find those rutten eggs and fire em. (If you own a company or stocks in a company you know exactly what im talking about.) The explanation (people bought) that Blizz earn most money by not touching bots to gain from their subscribes are so short minded thinking. They earn most to ban em.
I'm so happy I switched to the best form of WoW, Turtle WoW.
If this community could get off the gold buying crack that they all smoke this problem would go away. But no, we can't grind the gold for Epic Mounts or Lionheart Helms. This is a community made issue. Blizz would be morons to actually do something about these bots, they are in this for money not player experience.
blizzard should just cap pricing on the AH for specific items so the gold sellers cant sell at higher price then resonble for example freezing ring now sells 500g make it cap of 200g then ofcourse they still sell it for this price but tleaaast its aa 300g diffrence saaaaame in retail. but your right it seems blizzard gave up on handeling it.
Aren't there just as many bots on retail?
blizzard is taking the same amount of money from bots than real players, if they cut bots they will loose 40% of income on classic wow
why would they do that ? they are suits and corpos not gamers
I can confirm blizz are banning ppl, they banned all 4 of my botting account within2 weeks of botting. i cant be angry i wasnt following the rules, but they definitely are banning ppl
I quit WoW about 7 months ago due to the botting situation (among other issues). Every few months I wonder why I stopped playing the game. Took 90 seconds to lose interest again. See you in a few months, when I need another reminder that current Blizzard is NOT the company it was 20 years ago.
Its so bad lol. DM comes out for 3 days and herb price crashes by 70%. There are so many bots and goldbuyers because we have no gdkp as a gold source
And what do you expect? It was cool in 2019, but people will eventually get bored of playing the same game over and over again.
Fuck this game, I'm just gonna level casually. Economy is so fucked and blizz won't do shit about it.
Dude I'm having a blast. I have never seen a bot personally but I did s majority instance leveling
People who’s gaming experience is based around streamer cock riding aren’t focused on the game or anything that actually matters