The DEATH Lords of the Shadowlands Turned Azeroth Into a Soul Conduit…

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The World of Warcraft Shadowlands Eternal Ones, used the forces of the cosmos of Warcraft to turn the tide and give the WoW Shadowlands the upper hand in the eternal war between the cosmological forces of Warcraft. World of Warcraft Lore and Shadowlands Lore is so juicy with the Shadowlands Beta.

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46 thoughts on “The DEATH Lords of the Shadowlands Turned Azeroth Into a Soul Conduit…”

  1. Nah i think he wanted to turn souls into weapons to fight off void lords after they saw how strong void lords are. This is why they say he betrayed us which is true he did betray them by turning souls into weapons and jailer is kinda right when he says they betrayed him since he was trying to prepare to fight void lords which he considered a threat to all of them , his actions might have been wrong but his intention was not betraying them

  2. I think there is a lot more to it than the Jailer getting banished for turning souls into weapons. And from what we've seen the "death pantheon" could care less what happens to the souls since they only seem to care about what each soul can do for them, from torture to self-erasing servant and anything else that serves their purpose. Turning souls into weapons seems to be a common theme in each of the zones, maybe not swords and such, but weapons none the less. Also I believe that Sire Denathrius''s weapon was forged from a soul and everyone seems ok with that.

  3. The Kyrians aren't the only ones that can move between our world and the shadowlands. In Draka's cinematic they moved between the Shadowlands and reality. I don't think it's that special, I think that most of the peoples of Shadowlands don't really seem to care what is happening in the mortal realm.

  4. Accolonn if you find this, please let me know where you think Elune fits in the cosmos chart. It is stated that she possibly "birthed" the naaru by Khadgar, and you also need the Tear of Elune to open Light's Heart. So is she a part of Light? Like the supreme deity of Light?

  5. Since when do the souls of all worlds get directed to the leyline system of azeroth? What's the leyline system gotta do with death? Where is your source for this assumption or ist it merely a theory? I'm very confused.

  6. The First Ones are most likely Primordials. Since we only have 6 Cosmic Forces, there might be only 6 First Ones (Primordials). However, there could be one more primordial to represent the 6 elements in the WOW universe.

  7. I'd love to see opinions on what blizz is going to do with the Sword in Silithus, blizz said it will be resolved in SL… I guess like the cannon in BFA ^^ anyway, we've been told, lore wise, we'll be in the SL for the next 2 years however, the Sword is lodged in our planet… do you think a cutscene will show Zovaal reaching down from the Maw and grabbing it out?

  8. Yeah, that's why you need to avoid pintrest for images. I hate the fact that they expect you to have an account to even just LOOK.
    The amount of times I have been looking for stuff, clicked the image and been dumped into their log in or else screen.

  9. The number of forces using souls for their own needs… Helya, Odyn… even Sargeras crafted Ulthalesh to imprison demon souls. Not to mention Lich king and his Frostmourne… Old gods trying to corrupt titan souls… I am starting to think that Sargeras did not want to destroy Azeroth, he wanted to corrupt it like he did with Argus. Stabbing it with a sword was just a response to losing a battle: "if i dont get it, no one will get it". Lets not foeget Lich king visions from Legion, he clearly said that there is some1 above his will… It is like every1 is trying to make an army or one ultimate soldier. Question remains, why nerzhul was more useful for Legion and why Arthas was too dangerous. I think there was some sort of betrayal when LK was created that prpbably pissed Jailer…

  10. Death gets mortal souls by default currently. You talked about how a priest of the light might have gone to the realms of light before, but now they all go Shadowlands. Except there is definitely 1 way to avoid this and join the Fel, and possibly the other forces have a version of this path.

    We know for a fact that Illidan and some of his Illidari have "transcended" mortality and are now so Fel infused they are categorically demonic enough to qualify for rebirth in the Twisting Nether. But also many other races of demon started out mortal, like the Eredar. And it's known in lore that some warlocks also achieve this. So the Fel can still claim the most invested of its formerly mortal champions.

    My question is what about Turelyon and the other Light Forged? If we off Turelyon as a raid boss in 10.2, is he going to the Shadowlands or the realm of the Light? This is I don't really like the Light Forged Draenei becoming playable, it really makes the "Light is actually kinda bad, and now the villain" story possibility more awkward than it needed to be.

    Also Malfurion is just as mutated as his brother, and yet everyone is way more okay with it, has he become the life equivalent of a demon?

  11. Oooo and one more thing I think azeroth is the first, first one the goddest of reality so what she dreams becomes reality and elune is the watcher of her still a first one but her main roll is to watch over azeroth make sense when you think that all souls flow to her

  12. I think Frostmourne and the Helm are likely from Zovaal himself. Remember, based on Garrosh, Anima recharges over time. Zovaal could have used his own anima to create the most powerful weapons. It would also explain the link they have to him.

    Now here is my question, if Zovaal wants to create weapons or constructs, why would he allow someone like Garrosh to remain in Revendrath? Imagine the kind of resource Garrosh would be for Zovaal.

  13. Interesting theory. I love the vid but we saw Draka move to a demon control world in the afterlives video. I think the denizens but not the souls can leave since we also suspect Dreadlords are part of Revendreth

  14. Now, this might sound a bit off, but, if the reality was created by the first ones and not as part of the natural causality of the cosmic forces clashing, if that is so, could it be that the first ones foresaw the cosmic cataclysm that would come to be as the ultimate consequence of what Zovaal did, and they decided to create mortals as the ultimate weapon?… I mean mortals can harness all cosmic forces, the arcane, life, the elements, the light, the fel, the void mortals can even harness death powers, and by the intro quests of shadowlands when we arrive to oribos everyone seems surprised that we crossed the planes, the in-between, to the center of shadowlands with our mortal souls unharmed, that would explain also why anima is so precious to them a source of energy like no other, being that all cosmic forces can flow through anima while anima is within a living vessel… Anyway, just overthinking… Love your channel Accolon always delivering top quality content…

  15. That does make sense as to how Nerzhul and Bolvar were not fully consumed by the Jailer and could resist his whispers. Nerzhul never held Frostmourne itself, he was just a soul trapped in the armor being used to guide the dead ostensibly for the Legion, but we all know he wanted to be free of them. Bolvar never had Frostmourne, he only had the helmet put on him. Frostmourne I believe slowly consumes the soul of its wielder, and then putting the helmet on finishes the process of stripping you of your soul. You essentially become the vessel specifically for the Jailer and your soul is consumed into the sword itself.

    Bolvar still had his soul and the Life Binders flames coursing through him, so when the helmet was placed on him the Jailer could not inhabit him like it did Arthas.

  16. Crazy Idea but I think Oribos is actual the tomb of the original Zuval, that the arbiter was Zuval and was the judge, and he did something treacherous and the punishment was that he was removed from his body to become nothing but a shell and left as the Jailor in the Maw…that's why the arbiter never talks.

  17. A good question is why our characters can resurrect. Illidan remarks to our Demon Hunter, in our origin quests, that he is surprised that we are able to return to our body after death. He says that he thought he was the only one. So, what force on Azeroth/Shadowlands is doing this, & why? What is their goal?

  18. I dunno about Death winning the last war. If anything, they LOST it. IIRC, you noted that Bastion and Ardenweald don't fit with the Shadowland's Death aesthetic. It's like Light and Life respectively took territory in the Shadowlands and have kept it (more or less) ever since, kinda like the USA having bases in other countries. Or perhaps more appropriate to the medieval fantasy aesthetic, Bastion and Ardenweald are kingdoms or fiefs conquered and run by foreign rulers.

  19. I think the only soul potent enough to craft something like Frostmorn is one belonging to a titan >. > makes me wonder if Zu val is keeping something in the maw besides the poop people of azeroth

  20. i still think that reality is the EMERGENT result of the interplay of all the cosmic forces, of the whole mix. they all fight for it in the sense that each force wants to dominate the whole universe.

  21. People forget to talk about SHADOWMORNE and the quest line involved where you steal the souls of the creatures inside and with the help of UTHERS soul create a weapon.

    Uther was slain by the lich king, directly controlled by the person who controls all souls.

    So it seems to me that The Jailer may have used Uther to help us defeat Arthas and create Shadowmorne.

    Where is Shadowmore now, who's soul has it consumed.
    How many other Morneblades are on Azeroth?


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