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#shorts #guzu #twitch
Remove your shit cam so we can se dps meters
Chat was like 'Gnomer is a joke!' But Classic and SoD are not meant to be that hard, I'll say though that fight looked more engaging than Aku'mai
Gnomer should've been delayed for an entire week. I hate seeing people dungeon spam from 25 to 40. Like why is everyone so sweaty? Those same people will complain about how there is not enough content in a few days.
imagine not being able to press an interrupt but being willing to walk back from each wipe
watching classic raids and sod content is like watching roblox version of retail . people move like slugs and dont know how to press their own cds
From what i understand the thing that onehsot them that was interuptable didnt have a cast bar. so its understandable they didnt try to interrupt it since it looked like an instant cast to them
is this legal?
Well hope they enjoyed the non-achievement of AoE leveling for an announced easy raid. Blizz needs to make the next one actually hard and gate it.
not that insane, its a fucking joke:D an m+ dung on retail is harder like 10x 😀
see, shit like this is why i lost interest
p2 cleared and over, now lets just wait for p3
I thought this raid was going to be unavailable till atleast next reset?!?!?! Wtf
Why is it so damn easy… The whole raid except the tank basically took no damage… Where are some mechanics? I don’t want to sound like a retail Andy, but where are some explosions, chains, moving mechanics, jumping, hiding, moving together, moving away, anything… This looks so boring :/
There's always going to be a bunch of casuals that get salty over people who go for world firsts. Gives me vibes of that reporter lady that told the Tetris kill screen kid to "go outside".
Having played WOW from it's initial release the wife and I uninstalled it a week before p2. Nothing new. Season of discovery of what? How lazy, unoriginal and uninspired your programmers and developers can be? Or how simple the current crop of players are?
is that a shadow priest i see
Waited 2 months for phase 2 to come out and it drops on a Thursday. Shout out the the grownups that haven’t gotten to play phase 2 yet because we work 😂
Games beat, time to wait for p3
Phase 2 is over! Phase 3 when?
Played out thumbnails & fake "world firsts" 😂😂 wow community is down bad
This sweaty shit is so fucking cringey.
it is EU who did it as well, so they leveled from 25 to 40 and cleared gnomer in 12 hours