The EASIEST DPS Specs That Are DOMINATING In WoW The War Within!

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In The War Within, there are a ton of dps specs out there.
But what are some that are just EASIER Ones overall? In todays video, we are going to be looking at some EASY DPS Specs you could MAIN in The War Within. This is gonna be super fun so LETS GO!

The War Within is right around the corner!
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00:00 – Intro & Giveaway!
00:35 – DPS #1
02:20 – DPS #2
04:20 – DPS #3
06:35 – DPS #4
08:45 – DPS #5
10:38 – DPS #6
12:40 – DPS #7
14:45 – Thank you all!!!


39 thoughts on “The EASIEST DPS Specs That Are DOMINATING In WoW The War Within!”

  1. Thank you for the great video.

    One thing… Ret Paladin pre-patch rotation is still a ton of abilities. The Icyveins easy mode has NINE abilities in the rotation, iirc. That's still very bloated imo.

  2. No Havoc Demon Hunter? you litteraly just have to roll your face across the keyboard to do pretty good dps and heal yourself.
    My main has been a restoration Druid since vanilla, but when I solo things or am too stoned or drunk the DH is always my go to as it's almost impossible to fuck up and die :p

  3. I loved the video (although that jittery camera makes me go insane), the information, the presentation, the tone, everything is high quality on this channel. I hope you guys grow a lot more, cuz you deserve it

  4. Dude, tremendous review. First time I've seen one of your vids. Def got a sub here. Thanks and keep it up for more TWW content! You will probably blow up if it's all like this.

  5. Great video! I love easier rotations when i just wanna chill. I have always loved Lock and Hunter for solo and agree with your picks. Lock amazing theme, mogs, abilities, easy solo mode complete badass blazing around on a dreadsteed leaving fire and ash in your trail…..

    As an altoholic i will play every class to max but im super excited for my ENH shammy, Lock, hunter, Ret, WW, and main rogue as always. I just love playing em all its so damn fun.

  6. Unfortunately Destruction Warlock is no longer a simple easy to play spec anymore.

    Now you need to cast Shadowburn on cooldown no matter the health, rain of fire needs to be used in single target to cycle shards for diabolist, Diabolist itself you need to watch which demon is being summoned otherwise youre fumbling the whole hero spec, 0 mobility, need to bank shards for havoc windows , etc etc etc

    The spec is very complicated now so be warned to not get flamed in groups for your low dps because you thought the rotation is just spam chaos bolt.

  7. Good job on the video but i dont understand solo mmo players as a whole..its a MMO.. why are you playing if youre only playing solo 😂 they need to ditch that & bring back the mmo part of their mmo

  8. I watch a lot of videos like this and people seem to take offense if you say their spec is easy, but something being easy to play doesn’t mean it’s not also hard to master. A mythic raiding ret pally, or BM hunter is not just accidentally parsing orange lmao like cmon it’s ok to play something that’s simple at its core.

  9. Really great video! Discovered your channel some weeks ago and it’s such a great content with easy and chill tips. I mained ret for almost the full Dragonflight exp and was thinking to do the same in TWW but with the last changes to ret… I wonder if it will be suited for pug M+ because of bottom tier dps. Also played a lot of BM and it was fun but acording to logs and it seems to do low damage compared to other classes. I’m not chasing FOTM but don’t want to play a ver low DPS spec and wait 2h to be accepted in LFG. What do you think about the current state of both hunter and ret?

  10. Why is shadow priest never at the top we are finally getting a void themed expac and it’s still not loved I feel. always gonna main it tho voidweaver looks awesome lol


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