The END of Shadowlands & Sylvanas…

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34 thoughts on “The END of Shadowlands & Sylvanas…”

  1. How exactly is it fair that you can not alive someone and as long as you get their soul judged it makes up for it. If you believe in an afterlife then you can just go around committing mass not alive.

  2. Lmao, anyone think of this new crap as lore and canon?😂 The story and everything else up to now isn't less true or less lore because a few idiots decided to crap on it and alter it … That makes the new writers "lore" canon'" put noth the old writers's…? Also, if you want to change and crap on everything "old" lore..(up to BfA..) then we can choose what to make or break or flow from the lore as well…. You can't change Tolkiens books and call it lore either..The "jailer" solution and lore is nothing, and as much lore to the Warcraft universe as Darth Vader…(And;/or if they changed Vader to be or become a female..)

  3. This whole story has been like a colonoscopy. As horrible as it is you know there's another one coming eventually… Can they really do any better than they have been doing?

  4. Honestly this expansion was just a fuck you horde. Like yea lets forget the sacking of Undercity (for the 50th fucking time) and having to deal with ANOTHER FUCKING DEAD WARCHIEF. Like seriously who the fuck is going to take that cursed fucking position now, and why the fuck is Baine even still a character at this point. I rather have Gallywinx be warchief then that bland toast cow.

    Im so sick of the Horde heroes die, alliance heroes become neutral shit.

  5. "Sylvanas' soul was shattered" is as stupid of an explanation by Danuser as "Sylvanas was drunk" or "Sylvanas was high" or "Sylvanas was sleepwalking". It's a cop out. A stupid one. Trying to abrogate responsibility with story writing that could have been written by a middle schooler with the understanding of ethics and morals of a sponge.

  6. I think Anduin also has thoughts that he could have done more to intervene and save many of the souls that ended up in the Maw, so him staying awhile would not surprise me.

  7. Plot twist: The Jailer defeated in 9.2 who turns into a prototype was just an imposter created by the real Zovaal as a ruse. Cue expansion reveal: World of Warcraft: Zovaal's Revenge.

  8. Wasn't there supposedly some kinda wacky time stuff where like Shadowlands passed time differently than the real world? Has there been any hints of that at any point? Maybe I totally missed all that. As bleh as I feel about the game and the story atm, I hope they do something interesting with that, unless it also got scrapped.

  9. you're out of touch if u think ppl wanted a reckoning for arthas – ppl LOVE arthas – they wanted a DECENTLY executed redemption or COMPLICATED story telling where it isnt cut and dry – exploring the complications until its grey or have him be forever scarred and tainted by his tenure as lich king and his soul irreversibly evil and we get to fight him again….anything like that, just not a trial where ppl discuss his fate for him or ignore him completely…which is what we got…

  10. Sylvanas doesn't act like herself and is tossed in the maw for cleaning. Arthus the best villain in the game is puffed out and no one but sylvanas has some dialog. How do people still get excited for this story?

  11. Annoys the HELL out of me that Vereesa and Alleria think they have literally ANY right to comment on Sylvanas' legacy at all. One wasn't even there when the Scourge came then acted like she was, the other ran away and hid behind the humans, and both think they can comment on what Sylvanas did and had to go through.

    Not all her choices were good, obviously, but she made the best of a shitty situation for so many years and NEITHER sister made ANY attempt to so much as reach out to her at any point at all. Then they act like they would have done better.

    Sylvanas, moreover, is STILL not as bad a person as Jaina is. That dumb ass didn't even NEED to be mind controlled or manipulated to want to and TRY to murder a whole city of innocents. But because she says "I'm good now" we just ignore everything she did in Dalaran and wanted to do in Org.

    Moreover, TYRANDE killed her people just as much as Sylvanas did. Rather than evacuating anyone, fighting the Horde, doing literally ANYTHING decent, she runs off with Malfurion and leaves her people to die. She's useless as long as Malfurion is in the picture.

  12. She makes more sense because it is a story written on hindsight. Christie Golden got to take the questions home, drink a nice (full!) glass and take her time to somewhat answer them.

  13. What puzzles me is dis..

    Elune had no idea that the souls would go directly into the Maw
    Pelagos wants to redeem all souls, which Im sure included Hitler Yrel, Alt. reality Grom Hellscream for millions dead,
    Sylvanas apparnetly for millions dead, where was Genn judging her? He lost a son, his whole kingdom to her, the Horde lost many warriors for the Fourth War being started on Sylvanas' orders.
    Pegalos ISNT judging her soul, even though he is the ARBITER and lets Tyranda only handle it. LIke I said up above, What.the.actual.fudge? When you have a killer brought before a court, and tell him that the father of the victim will be his judge, ofc he's gonna die on the spot, at minimum get exiled. Pegalos already fails in my mind as an Arbiter

    Also why does Tyranda look more and more like a man these days, wtf.

    Also also, Sylvanas' fate should've been sent to the Maw to SUFFER and then die an excrutiating death for her crimes, being tortured for a few million years until she's only 35 anima like Arthas was and then poofs into nothingness. Nothing else could've made me happier for all the crimes she's done. MILLIONS dead, and we still dunno why she burned the damn tree for what "GOOD REASON" was it Sylvanas?!

    And the fact the Jailer had a small influence on her, apparently, makes it worse since she herself decided to kill millions of people including the night elven tree for…..???????? what reason, Blizzard? We're still lacking some serious answers here. This wasnt satisfactory enough, they really need to spend more time doing CUTSCENES and dialogue, and, with no VO for the less important dialogue. Just like ff14, you dont use VO only for the MSQ the main story quest and while that is annoying it shows restraint and knowledge of where to put VO is important. Blizzard doesnt know, and tries to cram it everywhere and then is surprised their budget gets taken down so quickly. Reminder that ff14 (used to have by now?) a smaller budget than WoW and managed twice as much with that than Blizzard. A small or large budget doesnt matter, you need a LEADER who knows how to use that budget and clearly, Blizzard barely has that kinda person.

  14. If Garrosh was a "failed" character then Sylvanas is essentially a "ruined" character, after 18 years of retcons, edits, and random changes in direction it's reached the point where I don't care what happened to my once favourite character in the end I'm just glad she's finally gone 🙁

  15. It's the end of Shadowlands and I still feel like we killed the good guy in the story. The Covenants act like uptight assholes. Maldraxxus is better because they are just the defenders, but still.

  16. SMall smidge of a fun fact. Varian might've been able to help Anduin during that cinematic…but Saurfang? Nah, he was 100% in the maw and unable to do anything and this is based on the entire timeline from Argus to now. Saurfang was in the maw and lost, Varian…wherever the fuck he was, would've been the only one able to mess with Anduin. There I ruined not only that cinematic but the garbage writing circulating it.

    Edit: Going to throw this here as well. I don't think Arthas is actually truly dead. I fully believe that Zovaal sectioned off part of his soul to make multiple mourne blades, to either pull in other mortals, or to outfit ones that joined him…which why weren't we given the choice to do so? Why are we never given the agency to do what we think might collectively be more correct in these situations? I mean hell the Mag'har leader has gotten more agency than we have, and she's basically a naked baby to the world of Azeroth.

  17. The problem with Genn being "bristly" so to speak is he's supposed to be a fucking leader. Yes, he's pissed. Of course he is.
    The problem is it's basically his only fucking drive. He barely does fuck all except complain about how much the Horde sucks and they all need to die for X or Y reason. A leader needs to be flexible. Hell, ALL the leaders suck for one reason or another, be it due to being blind, indifferent, or just rolling along with shit, but Genn is up there with the worst because he actively encourages constant antagonization. If anyone is going to spark shit, it's probably the dog. Or Jaina, really. Jaina on the other hand, doesn't lead an entire race, and barely leads the Kirin Tor (or whoever she was in teh council of) anymore. Hell, I think she got thrown out due to her constant hatred. As a result, she gets a pass. (Not because it's a good trait of course, but because it's literally been pointed out as a problem and if she wants to be that much of a dumbass about it, well, she's no longer being faction baggage.)

    Genn? Fuck no. A reliable leader can see an atrocity and say it's terrible, and distrust as a whole. But they AREN'T a warmonger. Which he absolutely is. He's not a leader. He's just an angry guy who happens to lead the Worgen. Garrosh Lite, if you will.

  18. a book to know why they utter Fed up everything and you are shilling that book sure its by your audible partnership but that doesnt excuse the shilling of it and blizzareds butchery of so very much to make this "story" cohearant, taronda not ending sylvanas is utterly BS after everything.

    the game should die I wnat WoW to die its just a pathetic shell and needs to end the story telling is so utterly beyond bad it is unfixable and the way they try is a god damn book the sloppy in game story just so they can sell a damn book AGAIN they did this to garosh and I remeber noone being happy and blizzard saying they would never do that again WELL LOOK WHAT WE HAVE HERE THE SAME BUTCHERY AGAIN, then we have the utterly reprihancable way they try to get people to work at the game not play work they made every bit of progression a job and not a good job either at least if I work a job irl Ill get payed but in wow ? they just errase all the work you do by "fixing" the failed systems with a "content patch" and calling is "content" is a utter bastardisation of that word.

    enjoy the rant but god damn do they need to not keep getting away with this crap


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