The Eternal City – Oribos / Shadowlands

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Hereby a walktrough video how to do the quest: “The Eternal City” in Oribos, Shadowlands.

► Quest Info:
Quest name: The Eternal City
Start: Overseer Kah-Sher
End: Overseer Kah-Delen
Zone: Oribos, Shadowlands
Faction: Alliance

► Description of the Quest:

You should become familiar with the Eternal City and how best to navigate it. We, the attendants, serve Oribos as its caretakers. Everything you see here is done in service to the Purpose. In this time of chaos and drought, we must adapt our perspective. It seems we are to serve the Purpose in a new way. You mortals are not the only visitors here. Others have come as well. Like you, the brokers are not of Oribos. They are congenial and willing to aid you. Usually for a price.

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