The Fastest 50-60 Leveling Route in Shadowlands

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After months of research, speedrunning, guide-writing, and video-editing, the 50-60 Video Guide has finally arrived! I can safely say that I’ve done far more research and practice than anyone else in the WoW Community when it comes to optimizing Shadowlands leveling, so I’m 100% confident in everything in this guide. I hope you find it helpful in your leveling journeys!

00:00 – Introduction
00:55 – Entering Shadowlands
01:55 – Bastion Campaign
03:20 – Enabling Threads of Fate
05:44 – S Tier Activities
07:36 – A Tier Activities
09:36 – B Tier Activities
12:02 – C Tier Activities
14:56 – D Tier Activities
16:10 – F Tier Activities
17:48 – Conclusion

Since I know some people prefer a written guide, I’ve compiled all of the information presented in this video and turned it into a google document. You can find that here:

One year ago I made my 1-50 Leveling Guide, and it’s still the fastest route you can find! If you missed that video you can find it here:

If you’re looking for my older 50-60 Guide which covers the Shadowlands Campaign, you can find it here:

I made a video to accompany this guide which provides a detailed walkthrough of every single Shadowlands Bonus Objective. If that sounds useful, you can watch it here:

If you’re unsure where to find some of the Shadowlands Dungeons Quests, I made a short video guide which explains how to unlock each one:

Lastly, if you want to see my recent speedrun in which I use this route, you can watch it here:

My Discord tag is Harldan# 2316, and as always, you can feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or questions. You’ll never be bothering me by sending a message, as it usually makes my day when someone reaches out.

#WoW #Warcraft #Leveling #Guide #50-60 #Shadowlands


3 thoughts on “The Fastest 50-60 Leveling Route in Shadowlands”

  1. Great stuff! I have 2 alts I've been procrastinating leveling through Shadowlands until 9.1.5 dropped, and with this nudge I have no more excuses that don't translate directly to "because I'm a loser." Thank you!


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