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The War Within Alpha is HERE and with it all the datamining, hero talent testing, warband updates and new zones you’d expect. But we need to talk about Dalaran, and how it is destroyed by the Nerubians at the very beginning of the World Soul Saga…
No confirmation yet on the drop rate for War Within raid gear but for Dalaran it is very high
This is some next level shilling, terrible decision. My interest level in retail has reached new lows.
Sorry not hype at all for this expansion. My rule is, if th expansion doesn't have a TOTALLY new race or class, it's going to be a bad one. If they put up a new heroic class, it is going to be a good one, and history is on my side. WOD, BFA (allied race don't count, is the same this with a few changes), Shadowland: BAD, LK, Legion, DF: GOOD, so i feel they want to rush the expasion (to make more money) insted of taking time in the metagame and give the players more new opstions to play.
Honestly they should just kill off Khadgar it makes the stakes high and actually have consequence
I mean didn’t Shadowlands hint of Khadgar’s impending death? I don’t think Dalaran will be like Teldrassil if there is a narrative reason for it. Teldrassil’s burning didn’t serve the story narratively, didn’t move it forward except to vilify Sylvanas which was an odd narrative move. An odd move because they seemed to go for shock value but did not explain her motivations well enough. So as long as Dalaran crashing serves a narrative purpose and not just a shock and awe moment I don’t think you can compare.
Why was Dalaran destroyed and Khadgar killed? Because they will destroy what you love and try to replace it with their new, better idea, of course! I see no other reason than some narcissistic writer wants to have a character insert at some point.
It seems like Taliesin & Evitel might be overly positive to stay in Blizzard's good graces and continue getting exclusive interviews. It would be refreshing to see more critical perspectives on the game rather than just positive reviews that ensure invitations to special Blizzard events. Let's hope for a more balanced approach and avoid a repeat of the Shadowlands-type opening event."
Your really okay with seeing another City be destroy for the horrible reason she give? come on now….
I would be horribly devastated if they killed off Khadgar. I really hope he's just captured or in hiding or something. This would be a most grievous and anticlimactic ending for one of the most beloved and honorable characters in the history of the game. I get that the stakes are high and wow wants us to feel a great loss, but it would be so much more uplifting to think him dead for a while when in fact, he somehow re-emerges in the end. So, I get that we won't know definitively Khadgar's fate maybe for a while, but I really hope they don't kill him off. Someone like that deserves the most spectacular and noble death – if he must die at all – like they did with Saurfang. It was heartbreaking losing him, but he literally caused Sylvanas to flee and essentially stopped the war with his sacrifice. It was a fitting and brave sacrifice, and Khadgar would deserve no less. The loss of Dalaran is pretty powerful though. I like that it hits hard, as it should.
Sounds like they needed a bad guy that both horde and alliance want to destroy, im excited to see how it works out, and it sounds like it will be a very interesting storyline
I wonder if we'll be facing some form of altered Khadgar as a boss at some point.
Dalaran is/was basically a super-carrier in the sky.
Ground based and subterranean adversaries would definitely make sure it was taken out as a primary target.
It also gives the Devs a chance to rebuild it.
Maybe rename it after a recently deceased legendary hero?
Was devastated when Auberdine was destroyed. My favorite port. Now they are going to take out a major hub yet again. So much history there. I feel like WOW is killing some of my favorite memories. Been on Classic version mostly for the nostalgia and to be honest more fun game play. I will try the new release but getting rid of old hangouts is killing me. Let's call this decision what it truly is. GARBAGE
I was absolutely stunned when I first learned about this and continue to feel gutted and devastated. I have always mained a mage and Dalaran has always been my home, even back in Vanilla when I would go to visit the bubble. To this day I always log off my mage in Dalaran. I am dreading seeing the cutscene where it’s beautiful spires will come crashing down (for the second time no less) and not at all looking forward to reliving that particular type of trauma, especially as a long time New Yorker.
Oh man… I’ve been playing WoW since Wrath, loved and been hyped for every single expansion, but The War Within hasn’t caught my interest yet… and this, especially Khadgar… I dunno… for the first time, I’m not hyped. :/
Phew. I literally felt something aeeing Dalaran on the ground. Like a lost childhood or something. (I was 16 during Wrath)
Very interested to see where they go with that!
Corporate antagonism is a heavily favored marketing ploy in silicon valley. If the company antagonizes the customer social media explodes with outrage and profits increase because customers (old and new) engage with the company. Your emotional devastation is Blizzard's profit. They know exactly how much this hurts given the war-torn climates in Ukraine & Palestine.
All I hope for is that if they really are sending off Khadgar, they do it with all the dramaticism and significance of the Varian death and then some. Feel like he's been underutilized a bunch the last few expacs, so having him die now without much pomp and circumstance in a moment where he could have an awesome arc where he copes with the loss of Dalaran would be… frustrating and sad.
For a moment of copium, i could also interpret them 'taking a moment for khadgar' as taking a moment to let him grieve, since his home has just been obliterated! Maybe he's just absolutely devastated emotionally, which would make sense. Buuuuuut I don't think this is the case, or he'd actually be there…
Being a quest hub in an expansion is not an excuse to never do anything with a city. Most cities in the game don't get that treatment, so they get ignored. Dalaran's destruction might be a good thing for the game, if they're focusing on Azeroth centric narratives. Give people more reason to return to the OG cities. When is Ironforge used for anything? The Exodar? Quel'thalas? They're not. They're completely irrelevant.
For me wow is just a hobby and despite the fact i have been playing without long break sińce wotlk its really easy for me to stay out of this news about lore spoilers on wowhead or discords. Its really shame you just spoilered everything assuning All casuals are following everything on wowhead like you do when its Ur job. Other creators somehow were able to tell about Alpha without telling who may die and why
Dalaran destroyed is a smart thing. It shows that we're still in a world of warcraft. Now it's just all of us against whoever wants to end all of us. We need to win. For ourselves. And for Azeroth…
Damn, I can't joke anymore about how All Portals Lead to Dalaran.
I mean, I couldn't for quite a few years, but now they finally closed the coffin.
They're going all game of thrones on us?
My strongest memory of Dalaran is during WotLK – 3 fps – please let me out of here.
They couldn't just kill off Jaina? I mean I was hoping she went nuts again and tried to take over the city and Khadgar kills her, myself. sigh.
Honestly guys I'm pretty disappointed. Larger channels than yours and developer interviews avoided the big news. Yet you have put it out there. You say everyone will spoil it, but it was you who did.
Shit , Dalaran+ it’s music was all I heard for years why I waited for dungeons
Wow that was cynical Tally, thought you were a better channel that that tbh.
This smells Chris Metzen all over
They are doing a GOT season 8 . Kill everyone and destroy everything … Mama hold me
Does that mean Dalaran is gone from broken shores???? That's my most important HS
Blizzard already took Rhonin, Krasus and Varian from me. If they kill Dadgar, i will scream!
I don’t like how the world keeps been fractured into different realities
Dalaran will be destroyed BUT you’ll still have two versions of it you can visit
Similar to Undercity and Teldrassil and Darkshore and a few other places
There’s so many versions of the same world I think it would be great if we could all be in the same place
But…Knowledge is power….
Crying Baby Anduin 👶
If they make an incredible cinematic for the destruction of dalaran like they did for Legion/BfA expension's cinematic, im all for it, they need to make it look good so we it marks our memories.
Tell the truth, they are pissed off with people still hanging around Dalaran, regardless of the content, people still went there and used it a lot, one hissy fit later they decide to destroy it.
Yep. I was interested in returning but destroying Dalaran and killing Khadgar. Imma pass
how about you destroy Blizzard instead letting them take Dalaran.
I hope New Dalaran will be built in Lordaeron where it was originally was, so when Midnight comes we have our closest ally to defend the northern Eastern Kingdoms