The Final Expansion Of This Warcraft Era Explained

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Today, I investigate whatโ€™s going on with Azeroth, and whatโ€™s really going on with the Titans.


41 thoughts on “The Final Expansion Of This Warcraft Era Explained”

  1. hey @bellular i think we have to change what i believe a world soul is. We use to think its a titan in its infancy. I now believe its an entity of titan or greater power that is slumbering. Maybe Azeroth once helped with or held balance to the ordering of existence itself. After exerting so much energy or after her purpose of creating she went into a deep slumber. Under the slumbering the titans were able to subdue her. My theory is they tried to bend azeroth powers to their will but was unsuccesful so they then imprison her to further their understanding to one day control. Much like zuval they all want to use azeroths power to recreate.

  2. I haven't played World of Warcraft, or really kept up with the story since Warlord's of Draenor, so you seem like the right kind of person to ask this question of.

    Where is a good place I can go read up on the story lines for each expansion, and get thoroughly caught up on the last decade (and in reality, at this point I might as well just start at the beginning of World of Warcraft) of story and lore?

  3. I'm telling you man… Azeroth was a captured void lord they partially succeeded in converting to their order!!! They imprisoned Azeroth to do this, then the old gods tried to free Azeroth under their rule as the Black empire, but ultimately failed!

  4. What if Azeroth is indeed a Prison and Sargeras was trying to free his kin by plundging the sword in it. All we know about Titans being born from planets could be fake and made up so we would fear azeroth exploding and keeping what's inside locked at all costs. (though then the old gods coming to corrupt the seeds would make no sense).

  5. It would be cool if we finally, could choose to stand for the light or the void in the game.. as we know both sides are nor bad nor good, they only exploit people on azeroth for their battles.

    With tmog included๐Ÿ˜œ


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