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World of Warcraft The War Within Patch 11.1, Undermine(d) is almost upon us and a VERY interesting quest has popped up on the PTR… one that awards players their own apartment in the new zone to live in and set their hearthstone to! This is not the player housing we are expecting that has been promised with the Midnight expansion, but it is the first time players have been awarded a property in-game, and can give us clues as to how Blizz is planning to implement housing later this year. Join us as we discuss the most unexpected 11.1 feature!
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00:00 Intro – There’s Player Housing in Undermine
01:38 The Quest
06:33 The Apartment
09:59 Customisation
12:05 Guild Housing
Man, this is a reach. Must be really lacking content for the channel, eh?
At this point it's less appealing than the garrison. They need to look at guild wars 2. Or even adding options to the garrison. The kind of base that the garrison presented could be a foundation for creative abilities and customizing larger land masses and structures while keeping the mideval theme
Thought garrison's were considered player housing
Looks budget AF.
I'm holding reservations that player housing is going to be anything like people think it will. Blizzard has had a horrid reputation of knowing what players want and NOT delivering. I could see it by more of the apartment set than anything we're expecting.
"Im not gonna do that accent" Proceeds to do the accent.
(1). i don't play WOW to play house (2). why would i live within 100 miles of goblin scum if i did play house ?
Let’s hope it’s in Stromwind and Orgimarr not some out of the way place
Looks like a good start. (Hopefully) 🤞
Wait wait wait, is this Gabby the same Gabby as in comics about economics (gabbynomics)?! She looks exactly the same
Noooo not engineering themed — its the worst theme in all of wow 🙁 I am so sad – I was hoping for a little tavern 🙁
what is the armor of the character dancing on the bed at 1:34 ? anyone know?
I want an apartment in every single Elf capital so bad
I'm calling it right now, that rug is a Outer Wilds reference 👀
>video about player housing
>makes a video spoiling an entire questline
can I PLEASE get an apartment in Suramar??? Blizzard PLEEAASEEEE
they can't do guild housing until they fix all the guild bugs that have been an issue for years, like guild tabards and shirts appearing as the wrong ones when mogged, and the guild bank log only showing movement from 8 months ago, etc etc
C.U.S.T.O.M.I.Z.A.T.I.O.N. I SWEAR TO GOD…MOVABLE HOUSING CUSTOMIZATION!!!!! honestly itd be kickass if it was like the sims but my gut says no can do family boo.
To me housing in a game has always been an objective to invite people. Cuz I dont think I'd generally hang out in there just because. So the idea of guild housing (where everyone kind of has their own little room) and joint living spaces always sounds way more appealing to me. So if that were an option I would absolutely love it!
I want a house on top of one of the pyramids in Ny'alotha. I love that zone so much, it would be a dream come true. Also, I've been playing some PTR, and I've definitely noticed the amount of random little things and trinkets that are all over the place inside buildings. It's a very clear move towards more decorations, similar to ones you might see in an average house. The whole city design feels so much more realistic too, with roads, traffic lights, trash bins, restaurants, manholes you can enter, and all this random STUFF. Makes me wish the zone was twice the size.
I just want a house in Far watch Post
Omg the rug keeps appearing and disappearing 😮😮😮😮
I really don't understand the hype around player housing.
Player housing is a dumb idea for WoW and totally not needed. It's just another example of Blizzard spending time and resources making stupid filler content when they should be fixing the glaring issues with their game, specifically on the PvP side of things.
good storry but what is that head (bucket) your wearing?
I'll believe it when I see it. I mean Blizz said they would "never" add it. When they added the farms in MoP, cool. Not the same. Then they added garrisons, cool, also not the same. We were massively disappointed, after so many lies like that I quit playing and the toxic player base made me stay away. Who knows if their version of housing is enough to bring players like me back. I played that game for a LONG time hoping for housing and bards. Add a bard class and I'll definitely consider it (I know it's possibly a class they are looking to add now a days 🙄)
Interesting. I mean….We also have garrisons.
Even Taliesin getting in on the piratesoftware drama xD
I want to house with my husband 😢😢😢
What I’m hoping to see:
Full design control (unlocked via achievements, collections, mounts, pets)
Phased entry (example: clicking on a closed door) – instanced – no open doors like every other accessible place.
Entry / Viewing permissions for party members / guild members.
Separate player housing hearthstone like legion dalaran
Housing in every capital city
Racial variations for completionists
Player house in previous expansion areas (the garrison, legion class hall, dalaran, etc)
I better get a undercity apartment
My home away from home will always be Sunsong Ranch in Pandaria. But I also really would love for housing to exist somewhere in Pandaria…