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#Venruki #WorldofWarcraft #dragonflight
It looks absolute dogshit
Can you advocate for three things please, first Rated Battlegrounds player achieving 2.4/Hero should also get same/reskin of Gladiator Drake. 2nd Rated Battleground players getting 1.8/2.1 in RBGs should get a RBG specific title like Horde/Alliance Guard/Defender instead of Rival/Duelist which are Arena titles besides Hero players getting the Seasonal title should be able to use it rather just Hero. Lastly, there are tons of Vicious saddles in our bags, these should be exchanged for 50k gold or legacy mounts. Please 🙏🏻
New retail expansions look so bad that I only opened this video to tell you how bad they look.
on the verge of pulling me back after last playing in legion… if I wasn't so scared of a insane learning curve with not so great queue times that don't help with it
dragonflight and sl was looking promising too before launch just saying 🙂
I'll pass, havent played since Legion, nothing looks good, its just the same shit over and over
I still can’t get that “shadowlands classic “ taste out of my mouth, but looking forward to all the new stuff for WoW!
Lets go copium within . road to copium map
this is so sad tbh
classic is here to stay. retail is dead. looks bad like usual.
SL classic hype
We need a new mmo
Retail has too much content for me 😔 I’m a new player and I always feel lost on what I should be doing, classic is more straight forward and more enjoyable. If only they had a setting where you could toggle retail graphics on and off for it cause the game looks like sh*t 😂
Translation: "We all know the game really is bad and dying, but i cant admit that publicly because my YouTube channel is built on it."
Never any new battleground maps 🙁
Babooshka- бабушка
Roadmap looks good. Dragonflight has been a good experience overall, tww will be a litmus test for sure to see if retail wow is truly back.
So many pathetic people here. People like you guys existed since 2005 =)) get a fing life instead of making it your lifes purpose to say "wow dead" while following wow content 19 years after the games release. P a t h e t i c.
More modifiers for PvP. Cannot wait.
I dont know why anyone would come back I stay subbed but retail is soooo bad. The only people that seem happy with it is Rank 1s and people that do mythic 19s all day.
Everybody salty in this session. Get a life boyzz
Why is dragon flight a good expansion?
Because it is better than the previous bad expansion?
done with wow til war within tbh
shuffle has been neglected this entire expansion and they refuse to learn from their mistakes with MMR
getting 2400 the last month of each season isn't even fun i would rather play when content is new, but i cant pass 2200 right now without queuing into multi R1s nonstop
when is the pvp mmr bomb happening to fix pvp and let everyone play the game again??