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The great Shadowlands blood dk guide is here! Learn all about talents, gear, stats, the shadowlands blood dk rotation, soulbinds, conduits within the shadowlands blood dk covenant options and much more! I know we are a bit biased but man do we love the shadowlands blood dk gameplay and make no mistake, this is a very potent and competitive tank in both dungeons and raids! Our blood death knight tanking guide is focused more on the beginner side but it will guarantee you to learn how to play blood dk and get invited in any group 🙂 Keep close to MarcelianOnline for all your shadowlands class guides!
00:00 Intro
00:40 Talents
07:50 Stats & Consumables
11:10 Soulbinds & Conduits
14:10 Gear & Legendaries
15:50 Rotation
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Will you also make some pvp guides? Not criticism, I like the style of your vids, just don’t like pve.
Lol wut? Kyrian? I've never seen any kyrian blood DK ever, either Venthyr or Necrolord. Kyrian is so weak it's getting buffed in 9.0.5
15:35 i reeeeeally disagree there with the boys of the Ebon Blade.
Personally I'd love to have Gorefiend memory for the super reduction of Vampiric Blood , makes you have it every 7 death strikes.
But I had to go for Pheromones as I got a cheap head leg. And so far, it's been a blessing for M+. Random fears that proc so often really help with DK limited mobility, plus sometimes it interrupts as well. I can't count the number of times random fears have saved me, or annoyed PvP dudes trying to cast a heal only to be feared, and of course, it gives haste too ! Now that haste levels are low, a flat 7.5% is quite valuable
I much rather have that over a bit more damage and ticks of RP that I already overflow with Hysteria
Great video as always, hopefully, blood gets some love in the upcoming patches/tiers
Can't wait for the brewmaster guide!
death knight players also generally make for great tanks! it's in their blood.
Perfect timing! I needed this guide 😀
Do you have a Fury warrior guide…would love to see your take on it…..ive play Fury only never touched arms and i got a good understanding on it, but i would still love to see what you have to say.
Thanks for the guide
You guys are great! Blood Dk is really fun but even though people are down on Necrolord I really enjoyed Abom Limb before I switched to Venthir and think of it like Wolverine looking at that picture of Jean Grey.
Blood DK is BiS
Wooh! I'm the "Like" #200
Still waiting for that boomy guide
Don't worry i believe you are a professional :)))) finally my main!! thanks for the guide guys
What is name of that addon that shows you "rotation"?
THAT (transition ogre) is the most ugliest looking DK I have EVAR seen!!
Hello from France!
As usual I loved this video =) Now you're just missing the Frost DK Guide =o I know that frost is in a bad place at the moment but it could still do some damage!
The change you did on the talent section is awesome and help colorblind people like me ahah.
i liked the old talents colours (mythic/single/both) moore
Blood gang, SUWOOP
When is Frost guide coming gents 😀 ? Keep up the terrific work.
Killin the uploads 🔥 You ought to get a kick out of my friends videos too. He features tips and DIY info. Have a glance! ——> #HondaMobileMechanic 🔥🚙
I had to admit I use to hate the intros , but now Im a big Fan!
Greetings from Nicaragua!
Sooo well made! Thank you guys.
I chose night fae, I thought it’s actually the strongest 💪🏼🦾
can you PLEASE redo the Ret pally guide??? EVERYTHING is outdated
If i wanted to switch over to Necro which soulbind tree do you recommend taking?
I love ur build guides! New to WoW and they really help me out, hopefully more to come in the future
have you done fury warrior yet?
What is your call on the 9.0.5 buff to fleshcraft. Would this make necrolord the n1 choice with how it is designed now in the PTR?. I went necro from the start as abomination limb is just so much more fun then the other picks… but looking at the intended buff it might just mean more people swapping ;). Although I can see it getting nerfed a bit on the corpse reducing cooldown part and for pvp before hitting the live servers..
0:00 Intro
0:08 Skit
1:09 Talents
7:45 Stats and Consumables
11:05 Covenents and Soulbinds
14:05 Legendaries and Gear
15:45 Rotation
18:05 Outro and Thanks
can use do a boomkin update one please?
waiting for a guide on Crip DK
Where is the AoE rotation? if i missed it someone reply please, thanks!
Been thinking of trying blood on my DK, you got me convinced, btw did you use to get your damage numbers to look like that? looks so cool!