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The climactic, world-spanning adventures of the humans of Stormwind conclude at last: from the simple farms of Elwynn to the dark depths of Blackrock Mountain… will our heroes prevail to see a new dawn?
0:00 – Intro
1:10 – Part I: The Missing Diplomat
6:13 – Part II: Defias in Dustwallow?
13:10 – Part III: The True Masters
19:06 – Part IV: The Great Masquerade
23:45 – Part V: The Journey Has Just Begun…
Video Footage:
– Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-)
– Vanilla WoW Varian Wrynn: WoWhead
Background Music:
– “Elwynn Forest,” “Stormwind,” “Wetlands,” “Swamp of Sorrows,” “Feralas,” “Burning Steppes,” and “Dun Morogh” from the WoW OST
#worldofwarcraft #wowclassic #seasonofdiscovery
Outro Music:
– “Watch Me (Live)” by Greta Van Fleet
Jediwarlock 2024
Any chance you will be doing other Races from Classic? I really dig your narrative style and the quality of the video. Hope we see more content in the future!
this was amazing, thank you
Your videos are fantastic! Even though I'm not playing anymore, videos like this make me want to dive right back in. Keep up the great work, you have lots of fans who really enjoy your presentation and style. Cheers!
Vanilla wow is the greatest gaming masterpiece ever created. Especially for the time.
We NEED more of these. This narration was incredible and enjoyed every bit of it
Hi Jedi!
I wish every race could have gotten an epic campaign like this. I have some thoughts for what the orc and night elven journeys could be, but some like the gnomes, I'm still stumped on.
great video, keep it up!
Great video. It was a magical quest line back in 2006.
For those wondering what the text in the end card says, it's a caesar cipher with a shift of 17 which translates to:
"into the nether"
I love leveling in vanilla. Won't stop till I've got everything at 60 on both factions. So far I've got everything on horde at 25 with my mains being 60 war/sham. And a war on ally at 60, starting to hit the 20 bracket on the ally alts.
Jedi Friday 🙂
watcher backus= watch yer back
Amazing video. This is why I fell in love with vanilla wow all those years back and this is why I still love it today. The storytelling is great. And that is not even talking about the horde leveling experience and other side quests that you do and adventure through other dungeons and raids. It has so much lore.
"Why would I want to play as a human in a fantasy game?"
As it turns out, humans in fantasy settings are far from boring.
This is why I still play my human char in 20 years later. After Deadmines we still weren’t finished with the traitors shenanigans …
I'm begging you for a series like this on the horde. It's been amazing so far
Very nice video!
Are you a bot? 😂 some music would have been nice.
can you horde 0-60 next? what does poor horde get instead of the majestic defias, secret human dragon plot? ty
Another good video man, keep up the good work! After switching gears to Turtle WoW I am getting some blurred lines on what was in Classic and what is added. These videos are great to keep track of official lore and if you ever want to possibly switch gears for some of their lore I'd definitely watch because you seem to add that magic to make it so interesting.
Do you have any idea why Ironfoe wasn't originally on the Emperor? Can't remember I think I was on Armorer guy in BRD before a certain patch.
UBRS was so comfy as a child
It is really a shame that they abandoned those "simpler" (if compared to zone/world ending) quests.
This is way more interesting than many of them and you tell it beautifully. Great work.