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Happy Friday, everybody! Today, we visit the damp region known as the Wetlands to take a look at a hidden lore thread that nobody has been talking about… is it ever truly resolved in-game? Or are there unsolved mysteries ripe for the solving?!
Go check out ATN’s channel here:
Video Footage:
– Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-)
– Some images retrieved from WoWhead
– Hayven Games: Grim Batol
Background Music:
– “Swamp of Sorrows,” “Feralas,” and “Burning Steppes” from the WoW OST
#worldofwarcraft #wowclassic #seasonofdiscovery
Outro Music:
– “Watch Me (Live)” by Greta Van Fleet
Jediwarlock 2024
The elekk in the room! Lmao
Good video, As someone who knows alot of Lore, Some of these things are new to me!
Let’s go! Hype! ❤️
I love the way you narrate character speech.
"Modgud's curse is based." – Jediwarlock, 2024.
I tried to subscribe partway through the video but it turns out i'm already subscribed. Keep up the great videos!
Impecable work as always
Seriously man. Every video I see from you is superb.
Thanks and keep it up!
i would love a grim batol raid in sod, since that area looks like it was supposed to be something big, plus with xal'atath(shadowy figure when you get the void shard in hillsbarad foothills) having big influence with players since phase 1 we might be sent there
Now that you covered the Wetlands im curious about this another Excavation site found in the Barrens, Bael Modan, its said thata there's some mysterious stuff happening there
lovely as always!
Omg…Hayven Games ❤️🥹🫶
i just wanted to say, i love these videos. i started playing wow with my dad when i was 8 and wrath was up. im 23 now, and i still play all the time! getting to see someone pick apart the zones and characters i've come to know so well is just so entertaining to me. thank you jedi!
edit: THE ELLEK IN THE ROOM. my dad is going to love that joke omg
Wetlands and Darkshore were such nostalgic areas back when I was a dumb seven year old during vanilla. Wetlands had a banger soundtrack as well, and Menethil harbor was cool. Not as cool as the architecture in Theramore, but unlike Theramore, there were things you can do like quests. And fewer deserters harassing everyone.
Good job as always 😊
Hi Jedi!
Could you imagine if Grim Batol was a full-fledged zone with secret dark caverns in the lowest depths?
Bro how do you keep finding these little threads to pull at???
I've always loved the passive world building of the Wetlands! The unmarked, ruined path leading to Grim Batol shows the zone's history.
This is the kind of thing SoD needs to capitalize on
10/10 video. Love the lore and further speculation
Also I recently just discovered All Things Nerd thanks to the YouTube algorithm. It's a good channel
Your NPC voice sounds like WoWCrendor’s old machinimas
Love the attention to detail, "the Elekk in the room" made me smile.
1:23 middle of top half of the right gnoll tent
Blizzard hire this man
wonder if it'll be in war within?
I still think Blizzard has missed out by not having a Caverns of Time dungeons visiting old Grim Batol. Maybe we could help the Wildhammer dwarves fight Modgud.
Thank you so much for the credit to Hayven Games at the 7:52 mark its been a long time and he was much beloved by the wow community i am glad he is not forgotten
I know you mostly cover classic era wow stuff, but Modgud is one of the ones who had the blade Xal'atath which was introduced in legion… and may be making an appearance in SoD, but that's unconfirmed atm
Man, I miss Hayven Games, R.I.P. 😢
Oh man, seeing the "Credit: Hayven Games" makes me a bit emotional. For a moment, through you, he was here again. Thanks for the great videos, man.
Great vid and thank you for crediting Fred for his footage. He's terribly missed.
Incredible video! I'm so glad to be subscribed to the channel.
Makes me wonder if Season of Discovery will uncover more of Xal'ataths influence over the Dark Irons attack on Grim Batol. As she was involved in the curse according to the artifacts lore book in Legion. We have already seen hints of Xal'atath being present in vanilla WoW through the Blackfathom Depths content in Season of Discovery. And with her being the main antagonist of the upcoming new expansion for retail, my guess Blizzard is using Season of discovery as a way of showing her influence retroactively.
"It becomes apparent" It: 👨👧👧
YES ! I love these videos, man! Keep it up!
It all makes sence, thanks for the video, idk how could i know that playing the game modern way, with questie or dungeon grind, even AI voiceover addon would be not enough to explain what's going on in the zone. Always been curious what happend in grim batol, this dwarf towers emerging from the mountains is major part of classic wow charm
Grim Batol as a location has captured my imagination for 20 years. The Wetlands is a beautiful zone and tons of fun quests! Thanks for bringing me back. 💖💖💖
gyat level 10
5:16 "the elekk in the room" LOL
Another great video! Glad I voted for this one!
O great another ai voice channel…
They will provide us with the new content in the shape of Grim Batol lore. SUUUUURELY, 100%
I would look to Twow. They're more official than retail at this point.