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Celebrating the upcoming 20th anniversary of WoW with a history of the original vanilla version that captivated the world in 2004
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pserver history:
classic wow timeline:
You think you do but you don’t by Bodie’s Corner:
WoW Soundtrack War:
‘Ancient Hero’ by DarkeSword from
Seasons of War:
Cloister of Trials Remix by Arcanuman1:–mF7juFbs
Cataclysm Stormwind Theme:
Factorio Turbine Dynamics by Daniel James Taylor:
Stormwind Music:
Witchyworld cover by PPF:
Loop Blues by blinch:
Celebrating the upcoming 20th anniversary of WoW with a history of the original vanilla version that captivated the world in 2004.
1:55 – "where they expected an anouncement of warcraft 3 instead they got…" What???
MadSeason is love, MadSeason is life.
Glad you make more videos. Morning coffe and watching this is golden.
I pretty much gave up on warcraft as a whole by the end of classic relaunch. I played vanilla to cata then stopped and came back for the classic relaunch. Got bis and pvp mount then quit again
I had my fun and I cba to play expansions and modes that I don't feel would be as fun.
TBC Era when?
Nostalrius is sort of still rolling as Elysium Project!
His voice is so relaxing. It's comforting. The nostalgia hits so hard when he talks about it.
Another big told ya so video, lol, these are becoming predictable! Play lvl 20 twinks on retail, hmu.
Feels like you've made about 5 'history of wow' videos at this point
Uuuuh. Do the history of Shadowlands next!
It’s the social structures and community in the actual game everything now is solo everything
Seems like everyone will have to go to private servers for a week for Blizzard to start releasing fresh realms for these classic versions. Cata Fresh would be a joy, love playing the early game auction
Wish we got a perpetual Vanilla, with updates no expansions
Blizzard didn't give a SHIT about vanilla until they found a way to monetise it beyond what a regular sub brings in.
"Told you so, by the way." – Prophet MadSeason.
man this really made me miss nostalrius haha. I hope blizz will just do fresh classic at some point, no classic+ or anything like that ^^
Sod isn't Vanilla + its Vanilla –
They had lightning in a bottle… and opened the cap. The original game was something to behold. Even though I play other iterations or expansions these days, none of our experiences currently are what they were in vanilla, both with the game itself and with how it's played by the community.
Vanilla WoW was peak WoW.
I've got the itch for a fresh classic after watching this
29:19 Vanilla = Freedom!
Hey madseason, did you tell us so?

whats wild to me is how the private servers had more longevity than the classic version blizzard released i feel like they shouldnt have added the expansions as an exit from the other and just let them sit in their endpatch stage. i played on feenix for years and naxx was released before i got there and i still found groups making new characters leveling doing deadmines and even raiding for the first time years after nax patch was released. i think blizzard could have done this but they went full micro/expansion greed.
I told you so has become such a massive in joke on this channel, I love it
I thought this gonna be mostly things we already heard before but I didn't know that private servers started even before the game release
Let's say I heard of private servers years ago and "Googled" about them, was interesting to see
Man seeing that 2017 announcement again brought a tear to my eye.
the hardcore classic days spawned some of the funniest and best moments in classic wow IMO. ill never forget all those death clips and the OTK mak'gora.
I came back for WoW classic, but i left when TBC came out and they added the level boost, was too predictable for what they would do next.
I play Turtle wow sometimes now and its been more enjoyable than what blizzard can offer.
The reason that private servers gain momentum is that Cataclysm isn't Classic anymore, and Blizzard doesn't provide at least one WOTLK server. Turtle WoW and Epoch show the right direction. I like the SoD attempt, but the runes are too OP. The ultimate dream would be a WoW 2.0, a modern game set in a whole new world that honours some Classic principles.
Watching lore videos for the past like 3 months on all the lore I can confidently say that vanilla wow is unlike any other version. Sure, I'm honest enough to say that WoTLK is where classic should have stopped in my opinion. (Cata being where my teen years were spent most.) But I started at 10 in TBC. Caught it late into the dlc so I mainly played Wrath in my wow experience. Dropping into Cata and MoP then lost all interest. That being said, Vanilla has caught my eye deeply. I even talked my gf into playing hardcore and she has never even stepped foot into Azeroth hahaha. But man, Vanilla WoW is just such a beautiful masterpiece. Some games are just so good they didn't need mods or all this extra stuff. Sometimes a game is just fine the way it is. I still play modless Skyrim and Oblivion. Even own a 360 and PS2 to go back to beloved games. Vanilla WoW is as good as an RPG gets. I'm a pally main so man will seals be annoying as can be. But the allure of difficulty and community has me happy. The fact 3 different journeys can be had with just one class is astounding to the depth of an "outdated" game. Tell me how long Dragonflight survives. Or SoD or anything. Everyone will return to the beginning. It's inevitable. Just as some things live for eternity and others die, so shall Classic Vanilla have everlasting life. The identity of WoW died with WoTLK. Sure it got updated so much but it concluded the Warcraft story. Nerds like myself like to conclude the reason the game was even possible. I think all the original creators are gone or lost their vision from $$$$. In my opinion WoW should be available as Vanilla, TBC, WoTLK, and retail. Because retail shall die. But hey that's my unwarranted internet opinion and extremely wishful thinking because nobody listens to the consumer anymore. It's all about revenue and competing. Pretty sad Blizzard has no faith in the peak of its success. Shows you how far they have become lost as a company.
I’ll never forgive Actijizz for destroying the pservers and in turn, destroying vanilla wow altogether
MadSeasonShow videos are money. I love the Monotonous Adonsis' takes.
I do feel Old School Runescape's success did give an indicator that old versions of WoW can thrive and be profitable. Given how it was insanely popular beyond nostalgia and eclipsed the main game in terms of popularity.
Mad thanks again for blessing us with another upload. As i sit here on my only day off in weeks, i really look forward to sitting down with a nice cheeseburger and watching your videos. Thanks mad and godspeed.
YOO ice cream analogy gives chills
Memories from Brazil here, monthly subscription wasn't a affordable reality until Cataclysm, in my country.
I used to play it on lan houses which used their own modified pirated version, we would play for hours doing the most unoptimized random shit, basically strolling around the game world asking each other what to do.
I never felt the same joy after I started a subscription in Cataclysm. Even though I tried playing it with 2 friends after school, we always felt like something was telling us to do shit instead of having fun.
Slippery slope literally isn't a fallacy
I (re)subbed for wow classic
I resubbed for season of mastery
I resubbed for classic hc
I recubbed for season of discovery
Blizz has my number and they know what I want. Gimme fresh classic and I'm there :). My pick for next resub would be a season of cooperation, just regular vanilla but all mobs are elite. I think the added incentive to play together would be very enjoyable.
Starfall vanilla soon, June 29
As a relatively new player (~2 years), i started playing with a friend in a private Vanilla server i don't even remember, then in Official Classic TBC, near it's end. Continued to do nearly everything in Classic WoTLK, tried SoD for a week and now i quit. I never played WoW back in it's full glory days, but i think i understand why people loved and still love it's core Vanilla essence. It was more of an RPG then, i think. The whole mindset of "rush everything like a maniac to get to the max level, to farm the best items" (and then lvl an alt or quit the game) didn't exist for a time. I personally hated rushing dungeons, raids, anything really. I really enjoyed the journey of leveling and learning what each spell does and what enemies can do. The discovery of it all. I want to play some WoW again but I think i need to go back to where it started for me, and find an honest private Vanilla+ server …
Fuck the alliance