The Jailer Raid Guide – Normal/Heroic The Jailer Sepulcher of the First Ones Boss Guide

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The Jailer Normal and The Jailer Heroic guide! The Jailer is a raid boss in the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid of Shadowlands. This is the final boss of Shadowlands, and will appear again in Season Four with the new Fated raid affix system. My apologies for how late this video is!

Heroic Jailer Jump WA:

This The Jailer boss guide will show you the The Jailer abilities that you’ll see in the Normal, Heroic and LFR versions of the The Jailer fight. Mythic The Jailer has additional mechanics not shown in this Normal and Heroic The Jailer guide. Footage of The Jailer for this boss guide is from live raiding with my guild and includes the weakauras and addons I use regularly.

The key to The Jailer in Phase One is executing each mechanic correctly (jump in holes with bombs, run from Chains, LOS the domination, spread with Torment, stack in the tank soak) while reminaing in line of sight of healers and anticipating where to position next. Also, if you’re soulbound with Dreamweaver make sure you don’t have Faerie Dust slowfall, it can get you killed here.

In Phase Two, it’s important for MC targets to make their way to the inner ring before it starts and everyone in the raid needs to turn on them to stop them from reaching the edge. Mind your back from the Decimator knockbacks, and tanks can swap on Shattering Blast to make it to the pylons without the boss running amok.

In Phase three, it’s all about soaking. Everyone needs to help soak the Desolation Beam on Azeroth as well as the domination healing absorb rings, then stay close so healers can top everyone up. Move out of the Defile ASAP and break chains, and everything will be fine.

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30 thoughts on “The Jailer Raid Guide – Normal/Heroic The Jailer Sepulcher of the First Ones Boss Guide”

  1. Small tip from me: Goblin gliding back enchant might have been banned, but its weaker parachute version still works for raids. So just be engineer in general to prevent the occasional fall damage/hole mechanic we have had since Maiden of Vigilance.

  2. Hazel i no its off topic ,but i herd your the pet queen,I cant battle any pets in panderia, is there a quest anyone know what needs to be done to , i looked everywhere cant find anything old content but there should be something . much appreciative any info at all help, lol.

  3. Thanks Hazel. My guild is progging this now and I've shared your video with them. Can I ask,what addon are you using for both your allies and enemy unitframes above their heads?

  4. I just finished in the last 2 days all of Seplucher of the First Ones boss`s for the first time and got my slimey kitty just by watching all of your 11 boss guides, which were very straight-forward and helpful. So thank you so much and I hope you keep doing it for many years to come! 😀

  5. You're my favorite guidemaker for one simple reason. Your gameplay footage is always for the mechanic you're discussing. It's honestly surprising that isn't done more frequently. But thank you regardless!

  6. Thanks for this playlist! I'm getting into this expansion late and just now going though all the LFR raids. Used this playlist for all the fights for Sepulcher so I could understand the basics. Great, to the point and easy to understand/follow guides!


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