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Your main tank? If yes then check the 9.0 Blood dk guide for Shadowlands pre-patch, taking you through the blood dk rotation, all the shadowlands blood dk changes, azerite traits, essences, talents and more! Make no mistake, the shadowlands blood dk gameplay is solid regardless of dungeons or raids and although when the expansion launches, many things will change, you can rest assured if you’re wondering how to play blood dk as this blood dk guide will get you started and updates will be posted on Marcelian Online, best place for all of your shadowlands class guides 🙂
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Great review love blood dk its the most fun tank spec in the game.
Btw voracious tooltip is still wrong in pre-patch. It also adds 3% increase in Deathstrikes base healing, so goes from 7% to 10%. Maybe by SL blizz will fix it……
i just subscribed right now 😀 and i recently started an undead blood dk and it is so OP thx for the guide ur the best 😀
I'm subbed with bells. Youtube sucks
I have never wanted to tank as much as i do now playing blood dk
I wish that bone shield would look more like an exoskeleton than those swinging bones a dog would hunt 😅 blood still one of the most fun tanks 😁
I'm 100% certain I've been subscribed to this channel for a very long time; Yet today I decided to check because of your gigantic face telling me to and I wasn't anymore? Fuck YouTube man… Subscribed and Belled.
a good blood dk always was a monster of a tank.
Any suggestions on what Loa to use?
Lol, “we’re here to do a guide not lore you lore nerd”
I lost it at the "You RP crazed nerd"
Been waiting for this video THANKS 🙏
Heart of darkness with no corruption anymore ?
You really should do lore videos if you want to though 😀
I would watch that.
0:46 Daddy steps in 😀
hey love your videos, but would love you to share me your ui profile {the health bar with power and dmg rune with porframe} please
How's the Guardian Druid?
I like the lore shit though :/
I legitimately got a 35 minute long dude bro incel commercial while watching this.
Thirty. Five. Minutes.
I want a lore video on bdks done by flame!
Dude whats the addon you use for your Unit frame. i love it. I also use this Luxthos WA it's crazy amazing!
I love their song. I play WoW.
isnt heart of darkness useless now that we dont have corruption?
what addons you have there for unitframes?
Great video, very informative pff
hey how is blood for questing 50-60 ?
I can't believe that i didn't know you can actually use dancing rune weapon at the beginning to get your bone shield stacks up to 6 with 2 runes
You absolute legends, I finally subbed, thanks for all of the best and most entertaining info for a returning player, ever.
Just saying, the guide/changes do not start after 2 mins into the video, bruh.