The Most BROKEN State Of EVERY Class In WoW's History | World of Warcraft

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20 years, 13 classes and who knows how many major content patches have seen each of World of Warcraft’s classes at their peaks during one point or another.
But when was each class really at their best overall? Today i’m going to talk about one of the strongest states of each class throughout World of Wacraft’s long history.
This is The Most BROKEN State Of EVERY Class | World of Warcraft

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46 thoughts on “The Most BROKEN State Of EVERY Class In WoW's History | World of Warcraft”

  1. 17:30 imagine they made Evoker having Augmentation which, as you said, augmented the other classes. BUT, one of the ORIGINAL classes and specs, the ENCHANTMENT shaman only had totems to put down to enchant his teammates 😉 Haiyaa…

  2. I wish you could Rune the old Demon Form of Locks, in Retail as DH's, looks so much better.
    Also, a „Fel Arcane Rune" would be lovely, gotta love an Arcane Mage shooting Fel Missiles.

  3. Arcane mage in hellfire citadel was broken true, but i feel like end of bfa takes the cake for mage. fire mage was one of the most broken specs ever during that patch because of the mechagon bracers,azerite powers,corruptions, and font of azshara. i mean if you can beat an entire raid on heroic with 1 tank,no healer,and all fire mages and all the bosses die within secoonds..thats all there is to say

  4. I definitely would of picked shadowlands 9.0 for rogue. Sub rogues were absolutely unhinged. I have a clip of me in arena where a rogue opened on me and i pain suppression immediately, i used it at 91% health. The rogue killed me in 0.8 seconds through pain suppression.

  5. paladin at the start of TBC HoR proc at 35%, SoC judgement had a 100% crit to stunned target, HoJ didn't use hit so couldn't be dodged, and exorcism worked on all targets. I could beat any class 10lvl above me if I got the stun off. Stun, pop wings and trinks, judge for 75% of health bar then HoR. that got nerfed.

  6. i will never forget frost mage in Nighthold, with proper artifacts you could easily have 100% uptime on icy veins on most fights, it was CRAZY. frost mage continued to be in top3 dps easily thoughout the entire Legion expansion, even in Antorus all 3 frost mages were top3 dps in our guild by far and we weren't even doing 90% logs on Mythic Argus in those pulls, while severely outdamaging the bottom dps classes by 100% more damage. but in Nighthold it was peak fun with +2 second addition to Icy Veins lenght with every procced Ice Lance or Flurry + Ice Lance and Flurry + Double ice Lance combo, this single artifact easily boosted your damage by 50% itself, and it was just one of 2 extremely powerful artifacts, the other one was just as powerful

    When they nerfed Frost severely in BFA, made top tier mythic raiding impossible for Alliance and made some other horrible changes, it was that last thing i needed to finally drop my WoW addiction forever. Since then 2019, i only come for a month once a year to just enjoy heroic raids and mythic+0, do achievements and mounts like back in the day and i'm out. Only Frost Mage being broken again and Fire Mage being mediocre again would get me back to my WoW addiction and i really hope this is what i'll witness in TWW. Frost Mage was just nerfed to the bone for 3 consecutive expansion, completely unviable for top100 mythic raiding guilds, and i was always a Frost OTP and suffered while having to play other classes and specs of mage

    Fire is the most unfun spec in the game for me and seeing in dominate Frost Mage due to the "adds everywhere" meta replacing "mostly single and dual target with tons of soaks" meta made fire the go-to spec for 6 years and despite 6 different attempts to go back to my addiction, i just gave up in the early Shadowlands, since i realised Frost Mage will never be viable for high end Mythic Raiding again (6 years is a very long time) and also, other changes to the spec made it more and more unfun to play in BFA, then even more in Shadowlands and finally made the rotation completely stupid in Dragonflight

    So i unfortunately had to leave my top mythic raiding goals and give up on the game. Since then i started a new life without games, just to immediately fall into hard drugs and became a junkie. This is the butterfly effect of Blizzard's decision to nerf the favourite class and spec of so many people to basically a useless roach for years and years to come, and now i only feel apathy towards this game. I Bought TWW but because of hardware issues i'm not even able to open the game, so instead of trying to repair it i just gave up and surrendered on that 60$ i spent

    That's how far you can demotivate a main and push the player into complete apathy with a few game and class design decisions who just screw over 5% of your community. I believe nerfs like this were the reason so many people lost interest in the game, the game getting worse and worse was only a secondary reason, the main reason was that the fun was being removed from the game patch by patch, class by class, spec by spec and system by system, until there was nothing fun about the game that's left

  7. Protection paladin Wotlk. With the right build you could avengers shield 5 people in the face, crit for 12k – 17k a piece, stunned for 3 seconds, had a cd of 6 seconds, and could reset 40% of the time off of a crusaders strike. ALSO you're a paladin so heals were ridiculous. Unstoppable shit brick house. I mained it and loved it.

  8. I would have given Monks to early MoP windwalkers in PVP. Dampen Harm was a 45 second cooldown ability that gave 50% DR from the next 3 attacks, usable while stunned and their PVP set bonus let Touch of Death be an instant kill against targets with 10% health, not an execute, a straight up instant kill, went through DRs and Immunities. Monks also didn't rely on a 2 minute cooldown for their burst, their burst was always online and they were gods at disengaging from lesser classes cooldowns with Karma and Paralysis. You always had to be ready for a Monk to make a play on you and you probably couldn't make a play on them because they could just basically be immune during your Stun and run away from your cooldown and if a Monk ever had the upper hand on you it was over and they always had the upper hand on you. Nothing beat them. Monks also had a heal with an energy cost so they could go theoretically forever. You couldn't oom them, you couldn't wear them down, you couldn't CC and burst them and you couldn't duel with them.

  9. Demo was straight doodoo in Mists… unless you were minmaxing as hell, in which case it was just barely above average… Destro was strong throughout the entire expansion true, but you made no mention of just how broken Affliction was in 5.4, how could you do 60% of the entire raid's DPS with just soul swap

  10. Pre-Cata patch Shadow Priest was boss difficulty in PvP. They were just absurd. Your pick is solid, no doubt, but pre-Cata spriest is honestly the first thing that comes to mind when I think of broken classes.

  11. The paladin mention seems notably week considering there's no specific details so…let me instead present to you early MoP Vengeance haste prot paladin. For those in the know this was the first implementation of Sanctity of Battle reducing ability cooldowns based on haste, and all tank classes would get PRE-MITIGATION damage taken converted to AP via vengeance. Blizzard didn't foresee how these would work together so you just stacked the crap out of haste (which by reducing SoTR cd wouldn't even lower your mitigation much), pull EVERYTHING and roll some defensive cooldowns while vengeance built up, then proceed to be the top damage/heals in the raid by 2-3x. I soloed Stone Guard while it was current content and would pull all the trash leading up to Mel'Jarak, him, and his adds at the same time and do as much damage as the rest of the raid combined. Meanwhile GBTL gives you 50% of your AP as spellpower and Seal of Insight glyphed heals you + smart-bomb healed the raid and would do 2x the healing of a BiS geared pumper healer just passively from your auto attacks.

    It wasn't widely known as proliferation of information was still pretty thin back then but that's definitely the most broken prot's ever been. (Most tanks could solo Mythic 12-15+ in Legion so we won't count that :P)

    Edit: Should add that this, and prot warr being in a similar situation, with both being able to tech in 2 set old tier (paladin one was less worth it but I think the warrior one was like 20% damage or mitigation) was what spurred them to disable all old tier set bonuses around ToT patch, and of course massively nerf vengeance.

  12. I've mained BrM since mop release. I would argue the most broken time we ever had was s4 of shadowlands. Stormstouts Last Keg made us heal for a % of keg smash damage, and it was overtuned to the point where you could do boss to boss pulls in 15 keys and heal from 10%hp to full every keg smash. As long as a BrM player stayed awake, they were literally unkillable outside of one shot mechanics.

  13. Monk was the easiest for me.

    They had an interaction with corruptions where they could blanket 100% uptime both renewing mist and enveloping mist across the entire raid, solo healing mythic raids.

    It wasn't a bug either. they just stacked haste, and stacked haste corruptions. This ended up being nerfed during the tier making the rising mists talent only extend hots a maximum of 6 seconds.

  14. Blizzard has always seem desperately afraid of making the Paladin best at anything, not a single patch I can remember have they been absolutely bonkers. And I think that has happened to all other classes, several times. And before the "hybrid" argument comes out of the woodwork; Shamans…. Now let the adults talk.
    I think the facts of my statement is undeniable, but the interesting topic to discuss is why? Is it because they are too popular on it's own, so they don't need to be "best" to attract players? Or is it because they are somewhat of a hero-class in the lore. So making them objectively best at something would be seen as getting to much love?

  15. Disci was broken when healing was very very low, and Holy has skill with full hp every 60 seconds or less cooldown, and cooldown was shortened by healing. Im diehard Disci and i healed dungeons in holy, because disci wasnt playable. Only in PvP with great resolve you could play disci. I don't remeber which expansion they destroy disci

  16. pre blade dance nerf dh unlimited scaling with adds in pve and pvp, Mistweaver Monk with with Phasing while ccd Ranged undispellable stun, aoe stun, double gab closer, max range gab closer, disarm, ports, spam orbs with no mana costs that heal as much as surge aoe insta big heal and doing almost the same dps as dps monks while healing ranged or melee. pre patch ret pala in BC into wotlk. BC S4 Heal druid or sunwell geard. Tank pala healer Hybrid in wotlk. Destro wl in cata pre nerf. Mop Beastmaster hunter S1. God of deleting S5 blood DKs in wotlk. There was nothing more broken then that


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