The War Within Pre-Patch: New Life-Saving Options, Time Savers & Radiant Echoes!

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The Forgotten Prince walks Tamriel, and chaos follows in her wake. Investigate the emergence of Ithelia and explore the Colovian region of West Weald in The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road. Sponsored by ESO.
Today, we dive into all you need to know for Prepatch & Radiant Echoes!

00:00 The War Within Pre-Patch
10:40 Radiant Echoes


37 thoughts on “The War Within Pre-Patch: New Life-Saving Options, Time Savers & Radiant Echoes!”

  1. @bellular I have what I think would be a great idea for a video series – other mmo's already do it, so not taking claim to the idea. Create a spec/rotation using only 8 buttons. This includes attacks/defensives/heals/etc. The idea isn't the most DPS – the idea is DPS that will pass in raids up to mythic. The premise is easy to do combat for those with disabilities, or need to play on controller.

  2. Honestly, the WoW community has been so negative over the last few years since BfA, and rightly so. However, I have saw a strange lack of negativity when seeing people discuss this expansion. The only complaint I have saw pop up a few times is re. the loading screen, and even then, that is getting changed.

    It's so refreshing to see, and genuinely has me so excited for release. Everyone seems so happy for once 🙂

  3. That is a gross misrepresentation of the new transmog rules. Leaving out the fact that anything belonging to a specific class doesn't get collected unless you're that class is a major omission.

  4. Blizzard having all of the new quests based out of the same room, in the same city, has to be the dumbest shit. I don't know why they keep making these stupid mistakes. Your servers cant handle more than a 100 people in one spot. Stop pretending that they can.

  5. This all sounds like alot of fun. But these days, i enjoy the game vicariously through these videos mostly. I wish i had the time to waste hours and hours playing wow like i used to.

  6. Man i saved up a ton of tier pieces for other classes only to be slapped in the face by another blizzard L.
    They wont let you move legacy tier pieces through the warbank to the correct classes.


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