The Most Helpful Early Game Items To Get In World of Warcraft – WoW Guide

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A brief guide for beginners to some very useful and easy to get items to up your game in World of Warcraft! There are so many things to collect in this game but by collecting these you’ll gain a lot of self sufficiency and survivability!

Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday

0:00 Intro
0:57 Leveling gear investments
2:34 Mailboxes
3:52 Return to the Capital quick
5:52 Fall damage protection
7:21 Be a mobile forward base

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35 thoughts on “The Most Helpful Early Game Items To Get In World of Warcraft – WoW Guide”

  1. Note:
    Players who have never played through the Shadowlands storyline may need to progress through the zone questlines until they reach the Revendreth zone, after which they can obtain the Parasol Toy.
    As of this recording, it's definitely worth one playthrough though!

  2. One thing I'd add is the Tol Barad teleport tabard. It doesn't take too many days of dailies, and those dailies can help you level. Once you get it, it's basically another portal to Org or SW. I usually have this tabard on my alts all the time, and it comes in handy a lot.

  3. back in the day when Heirlooms started being a thing, i got them through the Darkmoon Faire, i ran a bunch of alts to fish for Darkmoon Snapper (or w/e they called) and then i turned in enough fish on each alt to get the one time treasure hunting quest that gives 100 easy tickets, so each of my toons bought a piece of gear until i had them all, minus the Guild Pants.

  4. You don't need to get the Dalaran hearth more than once, but you do need to do the initial quest to start the Legion campaign before you can use the Dalaran Hearthstone on an alt.

    Also, the Ohuna Perch and Katy Stampwhistle are both 3 hour cooldowns.

  5. I would strongly recomend every single character that you will make to go through that WOD starting quest to at least build a level 1 garrison. Many people doesnt understand that till this day, the Garrison has a very unique design, it is NOT one of the zone of the existing continent and therefore there are always some strange mechanic on things related to the Garrison. To name a few : 1. both the Garrison and Dalaran heartstone having a shorter casting time than your normal heartstone. Your Garrison will always has less lag comparing to teleporting to Dalaran. 2. There is a reward item in Dragonflight Ohuna plain when you will reach rep level 11, which is something you can use 5 times (you can always refill it with 50 supplies) to teleport back to the Ohuna camp, however, this item has some kind of restriction, when those NPC will be moving from camp to camp, you CAN'T use this item in anywhere in Dragonflight and most of the places even in other continents, BUT you can always use it in your Garrison to teleport back to Ohuna. This itme is actually more useful than the wormhole of the engineering in Dragonflight because the spots are much more predictable and its a good way to teleport around to do many world quests.

  6. As mentioned last time, everyone should pick up that Human/Orc pet from your guild vendor (around 300-500G). This is a mobile vendor machine that will follow you for 5 minutes even inside the instance, which you can sell all kind of junks to clear out your bag.

  7. These are all useful, but the two I use nearly every time I play for more than an hour or two are the Tundra Mammoth and the Dalaran hearthstone. I would also recommend getting a garrison leveled so that it has a portal to Warspear/Stormshield, which have convenient portals to capital cities. So you'll have basically three hearthstons to capital cities.

  8. Pro tip for WoD intro. You can actually skip a bulk of the intro quest. You select the timeline as normal from chromie. Travel to Khadgar as normal outside the black portal. You then abandon the quest, and walk through the portal. All you have to do is the three quest to set up the garrison. (Choose trees for choping, kill birds, etc…)

  9. Another thing to travel around the world fast is the teleport ring that teleports you to Kul'tiras and Zandalar for only 300 BFA Faction Marks. Also the Cloaks that allows you to teleport back to Orgrimmar and Stormwind to a 24 hour to 8 hour and 2 hours cooldown.

  10. And just so people know. If you cant get the quest to start Legion intro and get a fast teleport to Dalaran. You can always fly up to the place and then just talk to the inn npc in legion dalaran.. And you will activate the dalaran heartstone. But you still need to use the portal in Orgrimmar or Stormwind, and fly up to Dalaran. Still a bit weird that the portal doesnt send you to Dalaran direct. But to Azhuna. Which is a bit anoying. But. Yeah. That is one of the usefull stuff.
    Then you also have the Garrison heartstone. And if you dont want to do the Warlords of draenor intro quest. Just so you can start the quests for the Garrison. You can do a nifty trick. You get the quest that sends you to the portal. Its recomended to get the quest. Since you can then talk to an npc in the portal room to send you directly to the flightmaster in the Blasted Lands zone. Then you basicly just get rid of the quest. And run into the red portal. And you will be teleported to the part right after the intro quests. The ones where you are in Alternate dreanor and need to destroy the portal and the introductions to the Warlords. Which can be a bit anoying if you just want to unlock the Wod Heartstone. Then you just do the garrison intro quests. BAM. You got your garrison and heartstone unlocked, even if its a toy. But still. Now you can actualy use it. And you get your player housing. And fast was to get to the Wod Raids/dungeons.

  11. Dude why don't you just go and do the Lost mail Quest from legion? You end up getting that toy when you're finished with it that has a 3-hour cool down that someone's a little person to help you check your mail

  12. Hey Soul, I know this is unrelated but you're kind of the lesser known addons expert. Would you by any chance know if there exists any addon that would let me have the default spell icon use the default proc highlight on the default actionbar, just in a way that lets me set the conditions for it to appear? For example I'd just like my Vilescourge Bombers to glow whenever it's ready and I'm in combat, or Efflorescence whenever none is currently active.

    WeakAuras and even less complicated variants of it give me headaches just by looking at them and the existence of InterruptReminder suggests that what I'm looking for it possible, I would be really glad if you had any suggestion. Love your content either way and I wish you a nice whichever time it is for you!

  13. Don't forget this toy : Magical Snow Sled, you will get it when you reach renown 26 with the Tuskarr. This is one of the most powerful item in the game. 1. Try it out when you are in a cave full of elite mobs and your heartstone is in CD and you need to turn in the quests to the NPC outside of the cave, once you use this item, you will find ALL those hostile mobs will turn into YELLOW. 2. Try to create a level 1 human amd then use this to reach SW, you will drop your jaw to the ground.

  14. I really disagree with the idea that new players should invest any gold into heirlooms, until they change the upgrade system to not be so antiquated and expensive it's a waste of time, the quest rewards/dungeon reward bags the game throws at you as you level keeps your gear mostly up to date and the ease of killing mobs is such that the gear doesn't really make a huge amount of difference anyway

  15. Not early game, but Notfar's Favourite Food from a rare just a bit east of the tuskarrs in Azure Span in a cave on the shoreline, Knocks you up and plays a random fart sound, a funny haha toy but this toy is usable in combat and interrupts any knockback / current knockup effects. you can take 0 damage from Fyrakks landing knockup, and for s4 you can use it to completely invalidate Vault of the Incarnates Dathea add knockback, so you can keep padding on the boss without having to leave melee / stop casting to position on adds.

  16. if you visiting legion dalaran you may want to pick up lost mail.
    it rewards katy stampwhistle toy with same functionality as ohuna perch.¨
    I highly suggest using druid alt since part of the short questline is near druid only portal – feralas


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