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Platinum WoW Video
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I look like a Gnome in RL, so I wanna be tall in a video game. Real talk!
Lol undead for life!
If you played at the time it was night and day. The astronomical number of players who said "i want to play horde but the races are ugly" is astounding. Bloodelves released and server balance was obliterated in a way never seen before or since.
if I am to spend several hours looking at a characters back, I might as well look at a pretty one. I have one blood elf for every possible class in the game. Void elves being added to alliance was also a good thing as I can experience the game from a different faction now. Remix did help me get other races too, always wanted the orc and forsaken heritage armor but yeah, I usually main belf/velf
Gnome, so you can't see any tmog 😂
Gnome is easily my least favorite race in all of wow by a longshot, tauren and undead being my favorite
He meant to say female blood elf’s are the most popular played race 😂 if you took away the female blood elf’s the male ones would go to the bottom picked race 😢
this aint classic we arent playing gnomes on retail bro…. theres nothing to gain from playing gnome other than being a football to kick
If I had a dollar for every single time xar was surprised to learn something that the rest of the wow community has known for over a decade, I’d never have to pay for my sub again
Proof that hot chicks gets you more players than all those DEI bodytypes. Back in the day Horde had less players because of ugly races and then when BC came around people went horde only because B-elfs looked super pretty.
The reason why nightelves are 2nd is also because shadowmeld is super OP in M+ and Arena, its not even exclusively because they're elves.
Gnome is so ugly
When blood elf’s dropped i race and faction changed
the females make the best bank alts
If they didn't nerf the dog poo out of BE racial I'd still be playing several of them lol.
Well at least we know they support thr femboys
Playing as a elementary school kid is not "sick"😂
thats not true. Void Elf is bis for casters because u dont suffer pushback as a void elf. its their racial.
That happens when a lot of people that would be more happy on alliance side, switch over to Horde because their sweaty friends are already there. + many people switched to horde before you could play with friends from the other faction.
Gnomes suck bruh
The numbers are fabricated GNOMES #1!!!!!
Sucj cope no one likes gnomes
Because gnome is disgusting to look at. Escape artist is the only saving grace
Kul Tiren didn't even make the list?
Gnome brother here!