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#shorts #dragonflight #worldofwarcraft World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 10.2 Dragonflight “Guardians of the Dream” Warcraft logs new mitigation feature!
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Patch 10.0 World of Warcraft: Dragonflight expansion.
I dont feel good about this as a Pala. Guarantee it'll be another reason to nerf us yet again.
This is good. Help stem the complaining from paladin about their throughput
Oh boi, disc priest dome bouta be SHOT
I think it’s super cool
Next perhaps we can see how much our raid buffs are buffing the raid 🤣
i hope Blizz will nerf healers who have mitigations
absolutely phenomenal change
big loooooove!!!!!! <3
holypala love it!!!!
when folks out there wondering why hpal got nerfed time after time after time…they now know that blizzard had access to this info the entire time. Bllzz knew what was going on behind the scenes. And now we all know too.
i mean sure its nice to see, but thats not really "hps" u did, so meaningless
As if hpal wasnt in a bad post as it is 🙁 gets 11th nerf in a row
Wow wow really looks bad
That is incredible
Nice, finally everyone can see how useless mistweavers truly are in raids
This is not and likely will never be part of parses just so everyone knows
If you use bubble and stand in sht and take 5 million damage will it show in that meter as hps 😅