The NEXT VERSION of World of Warcraft YOU Didn't Ask For

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What is the next version of World of Warcraft? And are you excited for it? Season of Discovery, Hardcore, Classic Era, Retail WoW, WoW Remix, Plunderstorm. What’s next?

Shoutout to Hayven, RIP, you will always be missed!


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25 thoughts on “The NEXT VERSION of World of Warcraft YOU Didn't Ask For”

  1. They’re making too many WoWs. I have this distinct memory back when Wrath classic was pretty fresh, about chats between guild members talking about rotating between retail (shadowlands) and classic. Kinda seemed like a neat niche then to have “options”. But I think most people who enjoy WoW, do so because it’s something they can sink years of time effort and grinding into building up personalized characters. With all these new mini game modes, seasonal servers, and idek what remix is, the population is 1000% getting diluted and will after a short while cause mass exits as new players lose interest as quick as they gained it

  2. More versions of WoW, the better. I wouldn’t stay subscribed to the game if it were just retail and vanilla.

    Getting to go through all of the old expansions that I played growing up is something I and many others always wanted.

    Keep in mind that MoP Remix is 100% a retail product. It’s just a temp event to give retail players a new way to level alts for TWW.

  3. I bought an account on eBay to get into the Friends and Family beta in 2004 and, because of all these versions, this is the closest to the game and most engaged I've felt in 20 years. It's 'touch grass' season in the northern hemisphere and Blizzard did a great job, IMO, at presenting many options to stay inside or something fun to do while breaking from yard work 🙂

  4. The only versions of WoW that are “classic” are Era and HC. SoD P3 is the complete opposite of the vision of vanilla wow, Cata is cata plus the boosts and tokens.

  5. classic+ with new classes (Bard, Necro etc) Combat can be like Wrath/Sod seems to be fine with majority lore can be the same too with minor "What if " changes like what if Arthas didnt become Lich King and i would like a full quest revamp new quests, new instances and raids( Hire QA people and test everything inhouse stop been lazy/cheapos dont leak and dont let people datamine) do weekly level caps to max level and keep higher level items, quests,everything encrypted
    Edit ban all addons too

  6. As some1 who played original wow for the past 17 years I wouldn't want to go back and do that all over again for no reason. Even if wrath was the best shit ever.

  7. That feel when J Allen Brack was right… We thought we wanted classic, but we didn't. In all seriousness, I really think Blizzard should ramp down classic and I think SOD/Classic+ is a good way to show to players that the vast majority didn't want an old game, what they wanted was memorable experiences, which in their minds and hearts were tied to vanilla/classic.

    Here's how I would do this:
    1. Cata classic is the last classic expansion to be released. The classic team does their best to make this expansion feel as good as it can, given all the negative attention surrounding it. It's not gonna be a smash hit, but it doesn't need to, as long as it scratches the itch that players have for the cataclysm experience.
    2. As the cataclysm shitstorm stabilizes with bug fixes/patches, more of the classic team is able to focus on making SOD better, and deliver the last few phases of SoD content, which includes all the level 60 raids, any new raids/areas they teased originally like karazhan crypts and something for Uldum. This is a dicey proposition because SoD is canon and has to fit in with all the stuff that came after, so I don't know how they can port Uldum (from Cata) to the Classic game client…
    3. SoD comes to an end, and there is no Classic+ with proper "realms", per se.
    4. Classic+ is an ongoing seasonal thing where the retail team builds new game modes like plunderstorm, remix, etc. that are centered around classic stuff. Imagine Remix: Dire Maul, which is a 90 day game mode (like MoP remix) where you can play a re-imagined/re-mastered version of Feralas in an accelerated game mode. These are mini seasons, smaller than expansions, with limited impact on the overall game. The devs won't need to frantically balance all classes, all specs across multiple play scenarios (pvp, dungeons, raids, solo, questing, farming, crafting, etc). Just like the cloak thing with MOP remix, they have more freedom to make design choices, and if those things backfire, the "sacred" integrity of the main game isn't ruined.
    5. Ideas for these classic+ modes can be mined from the original design docs, maps, art etc. They can also take inspiration from other places. Imagine a warcraft game mode where you build a massively overpowered character and blast monsters like in a diablo-style ARPG, but it's within the warcraft game client.
    6. Some of the more popular ideas can find their way into the proper retail mode, either as game systems, or turned into full expansions etc. Maybe they can even become standalone games that aren't tied to a wow subscription.

  8. The retail verson has fallen so low in many aspects. Classic started strong but alot of bad decisions made that a shell of what it was in the end vs how it started. No one asked for cata. And all of these random. Game modes means they are trying anything to get people to play. But all I see is lack of cohesion. Lack of understanding of the original game /s. And to many people with thier own ideas trying to input on a dying game that was great before they even though about getting a gaming degree in an overly expensive school

    What Warcraft needs is to get rid of all of these game modes. Have 2 classic modes. A no change version. And an actual vanilla + (not an Ascension lite)

    Then for retail. The story can be fixed from the complete off the rails cosmic stuff it's been doing by a large time skip. Your current characters are granted 1 free character change. You keep everything you have as an inheritance by the character who played before the timeskip. Time passes. New factions. New conflict. New WARs. The gameplay returns to its rpg roots. Return all of the original rpg mechanics. And build upon them. Transmog can stay. But classes return to the utility and non linear talent trees they used to be. Remove quest markers. Remove the amount of bloated quests and just have a smaller number of detailed quests (osrs style) have tons of interactive items in the world. Ever green smaller optional content. Like Brawler guild. Farm, player house, dragon raising (which we've had 2 times so maybe another creature)

    Make professions more emmersive and I depth (like pandaria cooking but better) rather than convoluted UI systems that make it more bloated and unnecessary (what we have now)

    World pvp that affect certain zones. Like winter grasp but instead of times, it's ever going. Repair stations. Destroy stations. Gather resources to bolster your forces. Ect.

    So many things that can be done to make this a fun game again. Return to roots but also be fresh

    But as it stands all we have is the same rinse and repeat gameplay. Watered down older systems. Convoluted new systems. And A lovey lovey friendship wins story.


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