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We had a rough start to the season, but I’m loving shadowlands PvP more and more each time I queue! Intense games today, I hope you enjoy and as always if you have any questions let me know down below 😀
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Armory: Markers on Magtheridon US
I knew something had to be coming out on YouTube soon!
I recently discovered you on twitch and immediately felt at home, and I also watched your guides from youtube. They really helped me a lot …. in terms of Positioning and skills, thank you very much for that and stay the way you are ~ McTrab
My hots cant keep me alive for shit.
looking at that recount seeing resto druid same dmg as mage. monkaW
You are one of the very few skilled people who praise resto druid. People watch your vids looking for hope. By cherry picking games you somehow distort the reality. Show me a game vs affli / rsham, fire mage / sub where you hop and try hard to be dpsing.Show us please how the REALITY looks like. Most games end in 2 globals and my overgrowth ns combo won't save anyone. Resto sucks in this meta, that's the truth. You are more than welcome to prove me wrong. I can share my account with you a
And feel free to prove me wrong
i have become discouraged and depressed with my resto druid recently Mmarkers
I've had pretty good success with spreist and Arms. I'll have to find a mage to do some 2s with.
Does Fire work?
Legend! I always love your energy. keep em coming
Do you think rdruid can play RMD in the current meta? Also which specs should the rogue/mage play to fit the comp with and rdruid ?
What do you think of affliction rn? Can locks keep up with the meta classes if I get good? I feel i have no where near as much instant burst as most classresn . I am ret and got my lock to 60.
Does fire work?
I lose hope on this season until i met a windwalker arena partner. From 1400 to 1800 win streaking 👍.
I love watching this channel. Actually very interetsing pov to watch and see how he is playing rdruid. You have to be really good to play like this guy.