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Sup Studen!
Nice book Im slow.
Yo 🙂
Ay yo whaddup Studen
What addon gives the mouse over loot that I see?
do you know the respawn timer for this one?
West Fall my favorite zone
Ah i just vendored this yesterday dude. Total steal !
have the "Black Metal" weapons returned?
YES, I am here before Calvas.
nice mount studen
Another time wasting method
I usually really like your content, but I'm honestly not really feeling these "unobtainable" item videos.
h8rs gon h8
Million Gold Sword?! Man imma go get one of these RIGHT NOW!
Not first
Awesome dude, you have made shadowlands a fuck tonne less boring for me and i thank you for that!
Damn it studen I've been killing this guy for a month now.
Hello bro, dont accept BTC?
nice mount studen
1:37 after book spam
Can’t wait for the day where the item actually drops that you’re making the video on.
This is Bullshit isnt it
I think noone gonna buy this sword :/
I've had the ghoul fingers on a few different toons,but that was years ago. I remember equipping them lol
This thing killed me on my hardcore Classic run. Any reason for it to die more is good to me!
I found out any tmogworth more than 30k never sells, got mistwalkers, chans robes months ago, has yet to sell, I got 2 chans robes, only sold one for 25k (half off) got 2 bows that are worth 100k but I always list at 40 to 50k, been posting these for more than 4 months….
its nicolai who gave you this hint isnt it studen?
Adding to my Kill List.
Have you stopped releasing content for your 1m gold challenge?
Hey Studen, what is that white screen you use to check the prices and availability of those items? Thanks for the video.
With my luck i need like 1M try’s to get it 🙂
Does anyone have some information on what items did re-enter the game. There’s a particular dagger I’ve wanted for years wondering if I just need farm MORE spiders
i just sold my war bear leather for 300 gold each x103 of them. i tought they wont sell took 2 weeks
Im browsing the website that records AH sales on all servers and I dont see a single Ghoulfang not presently or in the past
I think you're more likely to win the lottery than to make money with this spawn.
First it has to be up – seems to have a long respawn timer
Second you have to dodge everyone else who might be camping it too (3 different realms there was always someone else there when I checked)
Thirdly you have to actually get the good drops – maybe around 1%?
Fourthly they have to actually sell, might take months or even years on some realms
So, as exciting as a big million dollar drop sounds I think you'd make more money, and more consistently with a lot of other strategies. But hey, if you are passing through westfall and the guy is up – give it a bash.
is it true that the ghoul spawns only at night im not sure can someone confirm this thx
I’ve found every rare in this zone but this one, idk what’s up with it XD
Hello, Mr. Tabaroz, what addon do you use so that the item will drop, I want to know, thanks
So I have been watching quite a few of these and I looked at my old original toons back from 2007 and noticed I have a Goblin Screwdriver (original lvl 17 twink dagger). Hard to sell it, but when I do, it will be millions.
There is also a rare at westfall who drops the Scarecrow Trousers which you can sell around 200kg-400kg.
Yo if you're this rogue Babyshrekk out here tryna steal my million $ sword sorry bro I had to murk you rq.
Is the Spawn time crazy on the rare?