The Shadowlands of Kashyyyk & Jolee Bindo – Knights of the Old Republic | Blind Playthrough

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33 thoughts on “The Shadowlands of Kashyyyk & Jolee Bindo – Knights of the Old Republic | Blind Playthrough”

  1. You've found a really fun synergy here, you wondered why you're doing so much extra damage against the enemies when you inflict them with "fear", you still have passives from your time as a Scoundrel that do bonus damage against incapacitated opponents. It's a very strong combo

  2. Jolee is probably the best choice for dark side powers mechanics-wise, because the fact that he's not as deep into the light as all the other force users means he won't suffer the increased force point cost for using dark side powers that everyone else will.

  3. The question about having broken your enemies encryption codes is historically accurate. During WW2 the Allies cracked the Enigma code that the Nazis used for communications. The tough decisions the Allies had to make was acting on the intelligence at every opportunity and therefore alerting their enemy that they have cracked their code, and lead to them changing it, or, letting attacks happen so that the information could be used most effectively and save more individuals in larger attacks in the future. The Allies chose wisely and made the tough decision to sacrifice the few for the many. If not the Allies would have lost the ability to intercept communications and save more in the long run.

  4. In one of Yoda's visions in the Clone Wars Dooku says (to Yoda): ""I was telling them the tale of when you faced the giant terentatek on Kashyyyk. What a terrible beast it was.""
    It's the little things like this I love from Filoni

  5. "Grey Jedi do not exist"

    THANK YOU!!! People don't understand how the Force works. You can't just use a little dark side and be okay. Darkness literally warps the mind and draws you deeper into it whether you intended it or not. That's why Anakin went from good guy to slaughtering children in a matter of hours.

  6. Yeah the game does push you to be a Jedi because of the “Knights” in the title. Hope you do play Old Republic, all the different classes have great stories and it isn’t just about Jedi and Sith and the force.

  7. You are underestimating Ewoks. They are very strong and smart. Think about the traps they made for example. Either they are used to making the traps to hunt large creatures, or they were able to come up with them and move them in place on the fly. Legends shows the creatures.

  8. I forgot that you could actually miss out on side quests or get different results if you went back and resolved them as soon as possible. I was sure I remember other wookies backing me up when I went to confront Chuundar.

    As much as I love this game, this playthrough is really showing how much modern game design can improve it, and make me more excited for the remake

  9. Energy shields aren't effective against those sword-wielding Mandalorians, because they're energy shields. They protect against energy damage, not the slashing damage that vibroswords do.

  10. Grey Jedi and Dark Jedi is more of an Extended Universe thing than a post-prequels thing. I could see the grey jedi argument for some folks in the Preqels era – Dooku in the time just before his fall, Ventress after leaving Dooku (since she had the training of both groups and uses whatever is to hand), Quinlan Vos after some events in his story – but yeah, Ahsoka's straight light side. I'll agree there.

    In the Extended Universe, post-ROTJ Jedi were treated more as a philosophical/religious group than a whole society where you're in or you're out. So there was a lot more casual Jedi who would study for bit and still be considered Jedi without a lifelong commitment, moving between the Dark and Light, etc. Like I consider Mara Jade a Grey Jedi because of her particular backstory and character traits and there were a lot of Jedi Who Went Dark And Lived In The Middle Of Nowhere Until They Caused Trouble for Luke, so Dark Jedi/Grey Jedi is a useful descriptor.

  11. Ah, Jolee. Less a "Gray Jedi" and more like "Jedi who is absolutely done with the Jedi order's bullshit".

    Fun hint: There will come a point in the game where you can choose one party member to help you. Jolee's resulting scene is pretty funny.

  12. Man, I HATE wookies in this game. What an bunch of imbeciles. "Hey, this guy is selling you to slavers, and we have like 10 solid proofs about it" "Well, we don't give a fuck, until you show us an ancient blade of some shit, then we believe, because fuck you". Imagine this shit IRL in court "So, this guy is pedophile and murderer, we have everything on tape, and multiple witnesses" and judge be like "Well, but do you did 10 flips, fart alphabet backwards and wear green shirt today? No? Oh, I'm sorry then, this guy is innocent, bye". Dark path is only viable path to deal with wookies in this game.

  13. I know you really liked Breath of the Wild, and I don't really know if you've played the rest of the Zelda series or not, but that would be a super fun franchise to see you play through

  14. Just so you know, the Force Speed powers are extremely useful in battle and you should get used to using it as often as you can. It will give you extra attacks against your enemies.


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