The Story of The First Ones & Their Cosmic Cycle [Lore]

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The greatest minds have tried to crack the secrets of the First Ones. We see their influence all over the Shadowlands, but research indicates that their designs might be much larger. Today we’re taking a crack at it. Combining the information from the Chronicles, the Grimoire of the shadowlands and what’s presented in game. Lets find out what these first ones are all about!
I hope you’ll enjoy ^_^

Want to read up and get more details on what we talked about today? Check out this WoWhead article:

Want More Lore?!
The Story of Warcraft – Full Version
The Curious Case of Sylvanas & The Jailer
The Story of The Cosmic War of Warcraft
The Story of The Cosmic War of Warcraft:

Intro screen made by Pakulia:

The music in this video is provided royalty free. (Creative Commons License)

Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod

World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®


#Worldofwarcraft #Lore #Story #WoW


24 thoughts on “The Story of The First Ones & Their Cosmic Cycle [Lore]”

  1. So if Legion focused on Disorder, BFA focused on Void, and Shadowlands is obviously focusing on Death, does that mean we’re getting expansions focused on each of the other three? A Titan expansion would be super cool

  2. Here's my theory on the pantheons:

    Pantheon of Order: The Titans
    Pantheon of Death: The Eternal Ones
    Pantheon of Life: Primal beings like Elune
    Pantheon of Light: Multiple Prime Naaru (Xe'ra was one of many)
    Pantheon of Void: The Void Lords, including Xal'atath who presumably went rogue (the Blade of the Black Empire was her punishment)
    Pantheon of Fel: None. It makes no sense for the realm of Disorder to have a any form of leadership. It's total anarchy. Sargeras and the Legion were an anomaly.

  3. So like, the physical plane is the “mysterious” 7th power right? With how many cosmic beings we’ve defeated at what point do they start considering us as a rival power?

  4. I doubt that you will ever see this comment but I just want to say thx for being awesome and a great YouTuber
    I watch these videos every day and always enjoy them
    Keep up the great work 😀😀🐕🐶

  5. I think the real important part about how Sylvanis first made it to the maw had to do with saronite. Remember that only the helm and blade of the lich king were forged of stygia/shadowsteel (my guess is shadowsteel is an alloy or refined form of stygia) and that the rest of the gear the lich king used was saronite forged. My thoughts are that yogg'saron betrayed the other old gods and void for the powers of death… we do know of other necrotic powers on azeroth before the lich king like galakgrond but that's one that I can't really speculate on cause we still have no idea who or what empowered galakgrond. Heck, maybe yogg'saron was the method the void used to infiltrate the shadowlands all that time ago, maybe he's the real double agent who broke zovald out of maw-prison cause what better way to end all of existence then to just empower beings who want to try to. Maybe zovald is more of a pawn then he truly thinks, we already know that many of his minions ignore him when they feel they can… like maybe that's why we don't know about what the drust are really up to?
    Meh, I can speculate and I can write but honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the blizzard rot has reached the story team a long time ago and we're just working off scraps of notes from the last decent writer on their team long ago fired. Honestly, while I want to hope there is a good plan here, it's hard not to worry about the real world problems surrounding their company

  6. I wonder whats happening on Azeroth as there is no way Boralus should of been attacked by pirates when they have such as large fleet. Is Turalyon sending them to attack something because hes in charge of the alliance's forces

  7. Maybe the difference between Sylvanas and Uther is that the part of her soul that was not sucked into Frostmourne was made into a Banshee, her soul had the Maw fingerprint on it when she died, so she went straight there. Wonder why Arthas didn't raise Uther, big lost opportunity to create a powerful Death Knight right there ;D. I kept wondering where she would have gone. The Grimoire makes it sound like Ardenweald is only for druids, shamans and hunters. That is probably missing a few, as priestesses of Elune would most likely end up there, I think.

    Sylvanas was a ranger (i.e. hunter) and the Folks & Fairytales story makes it seem like Ardenweald would be her destination. I thought of Bastion as well, she was (even in undeath) very dedicated to serving her people. But I think Bastion is more fit for those who are less independent. she didn't really have an almost absolute respect for authority like, say, Uther.

  8. Everything related to the first cosmic chart just makes 0 sense and sounds like poor writing. The only way to fix it is stating that the Titans are the First Ones. They are the ones that put the cycle of life/death in place.

    As of lately, people seem to forget that the Titans could control life and time itself and keep downgrading them to giant stone dudes..

  9. It'd be really nice to have a 10 minute cinematic where we get to see what acctually happened with Zoval, how he was the arbiter, was cast into the maw, how he planned stuff and got stuff done, and then introduce us to the new zone in 9.2

  10. We need like a freaking "Interview with a Titan". I mean, what does the Winter Queen do that prevents her from answering a few questions?

    "Oh, Luney? She's my younger sister. Her, Eony and I used to be pretty close when we were younger — talking 'bout boys, braiding each others hair, all that stuff. But as our parents put more and more responsibilities on me and Eony — you know like this whole cycle of life and death thing — she was starting to feel jealous. She did all sorts of things to get papa's attention. You wouldn't believe the guys she started dating. You know, the ones not even the Father of All Life would approve of. Those Void dudes were the worst…"

  11. My theory is that wold souls are not destined to become titans. My theory is that they are neutral eggs. Which is why lots of forces want their hands on them. It just so happens that the force of Order (the titans) was just the best – or atleast the most present from our point of view – at marching acrost the cosmos systematically and designing world souls into Titans. What if The First Ones were world-souls that were born of all forces?


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