The Shimmering Flats | Episode 10 | Let's Play World of Warcraft | Orc Shaman 1-60

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Hello everyone and welcome to episode 10 of my Orc Shaman level 1-60 playthrough in the Season of Discovery! We are continuing our adventures in Phase 2 where we will be spending the majority of our time in the Shimmering Flats. Exploring this unique area of Azeroth while completing all of the quests. Alongside that, I will continue doing some other quests in the Thousand Needles and we will also take our first look at Desolace.

I talked about the upcoming updates in the Season of Discovery, which will now have been the day before this episode releases, and here is the blog post that I was reading from:

I also spent a lot of time talking about the dungeon-turned-raid Gnomeregan in this video. Alongside that, I also showcased some of the zones in Kalimdor that we have or will soon be exploring as they are in the Cataclysm expansion.

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