The Son of Arugal | Class Spotlight | Conquest of Azeroth | World of Warcraft

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Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we take a look at the Son of Arugal class on Conquest of Azeroth. Have any thoughts about the class or video? Let me know in the comments!

🤜Want more CoA Spotlights? Check out this playlist:

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0:00-1:54 – Intro
1:55-3:51 – The Basics
3:52-4:38 – Talent Tree
4:39-6:09 – Fleshweaver Son of Arugal
6:10-7:27 – Blood Son of Arugal
7:28-9:24 – Ferocity Son of Arugal
9:25-10:42 – Packleader Son of Arugal
10:43-13:04 – Design Hurdles
13:05-13:37 – Conclusion

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23 thoughts on “The Son of Arugal | Class Spotlight | Conquest of Azeroth | World of Warcraft”

  1. Man, I just tried CoA after being away for almost 2yrs. They’ve refined a lot and it’s super fun, but I’m shocked at the toxicity. There’s a lot more players than before, and the majority are super toxic. Like, I have to leave the ascension general chat every time I log in just to avoid it. Super sad. Part of me would rather the server be desolate like it was before than full of toxic gamers who have nothing better to do than hate on people.

  2. Having played SoA quite a bit in the past, returning to Ferocity was quite jarring – I can't transform before maxing out rage now (200 too!)? I also understand there is no way to maximize my time in worgen form anymore. Not sure how this will work in pvp tbh – seems very, very easy to shut down, wait for the 200 rage burst, CC them during it and bye. Gameplay wise I do enjoy it a lot, it's as spammy as ever and the abilities feel impactful, especially in human form. Most likely my main still! PS: I miss the leap skillshot where it increased damage based on how far you made it in the leap while still landing on your enemy, that was pretty fun.


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