The Starcaller | Class Spotlight | Conquest of Azeroth | World of Warcraft

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Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today I bring to you a look at the Starcaller class on Conquest of Azeroth! Let me know what you think in the comments, and thanks to Keed for his insights.

Visuals and spell effects have and are always being improved, and may look superior to what you see in this video :).

🤜Want more CoA Spotlights? Check out this playlist:

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0:00-2:09 – Intro
2:10-3:19 – The Basics
3:20-3:59 – Talent Tree
4:00-4:46 – Moon Priest
4:47-5:20 – Moon Guard
5:21-6:14 – Sentinel
6:15-7:20 – Warden
7:21-13:-32 – Design Hurdles
13:33-14:17 – Conclusion

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44 thoughts on “The Starcaller | Class Spotlight | Conquest of Azeroth | World of Warcraft”

  1. I just hope it isn't a night elf exclusive class. It can be night elf coded in mind and just have rp'ers make their modifications because can easily have trolls that do for a loa or musha alongside the tauren. Dranei who often believe that elune is somewhat connected to the naru if not a naru herself can also fit with not much work needed

  2. The bow spec is cool but it's big finisher type shot, Starfire Shot, lacks a lot of impact. There's no reason it should be doing the same or less damage than my other shots.. It's also got unbelievably lackluster aoe till later.

  3. So far I am torn between Cultist and Starcaller, mainly because I love tanking.
    Right now I am leaning towards Starcaller, as the theme is more to my liking, though I have to see which one is easier as I don't have the time to master a high skill spec.

  4. I got access to COA yesterday and have loved every second of it so far. Your work on these classes is nothing short of incredible! I started with Necro but plan to test every class before the COA 60 test. A huge thank you again to you and to all who work on COA and Ascension!!!

  5. I just love your content. Happy to see you had a hand in all these classes will be great to see how it all turns out.

    I like the skill cap though. Each class has the theme pretty top notch and the different play styles and quirks help make it interesting.

    I will say this! This is one class where it would have been cool to have ability to mount up and fight as a sentinel mounted for kitting purposes.

  6. 1. This class NEEDS a class specific mount like Paladins and Warlocks.
    2. Having a "hunter pet" would be a great addition also.
    Great job keep up the awesome work!
    Minimerlin – Area52

  7. Unfortunately, I still don't fully understand how COA works.
    Do I have to register separately for this? does it cost something? is it yet to be published? If so, when can I as a normal person play it?
    I'm looking forward to this more than the new add-ons from retail.


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