The Sylvanas Boss Fight, The Jailer's Escape & Where We Go Next

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World of Warcraft Shadowlands patch 9.1 Chains of Domination brings us the long-awaited final showdown with Sylvanas Windrunner, as she is the final boss fight of the Sanctum of Domination raid. It”s an encounter full of important lore and story, but what will happen to the Jailer? Will Torghast be destroyed? Will we ever go back to the Maw? Most importantly, what happens to Sylvanas, where does the Jailer escape to and eis it possible that patch 9.2 won’t even be set in the Shadowlands? Join us for a Taliesin Talks as we work out what happens next

Wowhead’s Sanctum of Domination Raid Environment Preview:

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43 thoughts on “The Sylvanas Boss Fight, The Jailer's Escape & Where We Go Next”

  1. I love your prediction. I would be happy with that. One thing I don't see anyone talk about is the fact she was stabbed by frostmourne and wouldn't her soul be wounded like Uther?

  2. They will so do it Tali! That’s exactly how it will end I think! Sylvanas deserves a break! They can’t get rid of Sylvanas! She is iconic to the game! I see Tyrande going just as nuts! Oh I’d love to see a fight between the two of them! Sylvanas will always be our Queen!

  3. There always have to be a jailer of the dead. She's going to end up in the maw as the new jailer be her own choice. It the Bolvar idea but her in chains.

  4. Calling it now: the Jailer succeeds and and Anduin saves Sylvanas. Jaina cries out to Anduin, bereft at seeing yet another ally fall to the corrupting power of death. Anduin turns, removes the helm of domination, and rebukes Jaina of his own volition. He pledges himself to free the people of Azeroth from the "Great plan" that has condemned all the people of Azeroth to the conflict and devastating we've just witnessed in BFA.

    Queue 9.2 which has us fighting against the covenants. Culminating in a ICC-style raid with 4 wings, and us ascending oribos again, but this time to defeat the Arbitor. Thus restoring the Jailer to the realm of death and returning the fate of Azeroth to its people.

  5. I still would like to see some kind of redemption with Sylvanas. Back when her and Varian had kind of an understanding and respect for each other, I had high hopes for her becoming something great. In the cinematic for the new patch, the way she looks at Anduin, its clear she either a) feels bad (because I think some part of her respects him), or b) is having doubts about everything. From the moment I saw that scene I have had hope for her redemption in some way or form. We will see.

  6. I am convinced that The Jailer IS the original Arbiter. The silent Arbiter we have seen in Oribos is essentially just a construct with the Jailers "heart" in her chest. They had to have something doing his work after they banished him to the Maw.
    So in short. He is not going to steal her heart thingy. He is going to take it back.

  7. i am team sylvanas, she did so much for the undead and the blood elves. she is a hero that fell due to desperation and to punish her is to say arthus deserves the maw. control comes in many forms


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