The Undead Rogue for World of Warcraft's Shadowlands Retail Roleplay has been revealed!

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Today we come back to Retail World of Warcraft Shadowlands to check out the leveling gameplay in 2022, as a fresh experience in a playthrough as an Undead Rogue. We are going to take our time and immerse ourselves into the WoW, and just enjoy the game as we used to back in the days.

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5 thoughts on “The Undead Rogue for World of Warcraft's Shadowlands Retail Roleplay has been revealed!”

  1. Today we come back to Retail World of Warcraft to check out the leveling in 2022, as a fresh experience in a gameplay playthrough as an Undead Rogue. We are going to take our time and immerse ourselves into the WoW, and just enjoy the game as we used to back in the days.


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