The War Within Campaign: Full Story Told in 1 Hour

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Dive into the World of Warcraft: The War Within campaign as we condense the epic storyline into a 1-hour experience! This video takes you through all the major events of the campaign, from the echoes of the Radiant Song to the climactic showdown with the void entity, Xal’atath.

If you missed any key moments or want to catch up on WoW’s latest lore-packed expansion, this is the video for you!

Follow iconic characters like Anduin Wrynn, Alleria Windrunner and Khadgar as they join forces to defend Azeroth from new threats, including the unleashed power of Xal’atath and the looming danger of the Nerubians.

Explore the mysteries of Khaz Algar, the Void’s influence on the world, and the ongoing battle for Azeroth’s very soul in this condensed yet action-packed retelling of The War Within campaign.

Perfect for those who sped through the game, skipped cutscenes, or want to revisit the story without investing another 12 hours of playtime. Get all the critical plot points in just 1 hour!

Chapters in The War Within Campaign:

00:0000:31 – Times of War
00:3104:08 – 1. The Radiant Song
04:0809:08 – 2. Visions of Azeroth
09:0813:30 – 3. The Isle of Dorn
13:3016:24 – 4. Ringing Deeps – By Candlelight
16:2418:04 – 4. Ringing Deeps – Dark Revelations
18:0423:08 – 4. Ringing Deeps – The Monster and the Machine
23:0827:38 – 5. Hallowfall – The Guiding Star
27:3831:28 – 5. Hallowfall – Gathering Shadows
31:2836:40 – 5. Hallowfall – Hope in Solidarity
36:4038:27 – 6. Azj-Kahet – Friends in the Dark
38:2741:12 – 6. Azj-Kahet – Unravelling the Trapped
41:1247:05 – 6. Azj-Kahet – Plans Within Plans
47:0547:48 – Against The Current
47:4851:13 – Ties That Bind
51:1358:07 – News From Below
58:071:00:06 – The Machines March to War
1:00:061:06:59 – A Light in the Dark
1:06:591:08:58 – The War has Just Begun

Appreciate your viewership!

#thewarwithin #wowlore #worldofwarcraft

In the realm of reality, these narratives are painstakingly woven over countless hours and days. All in-game clips are culled from both World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft Classic.


43 thoughts on “The War Within Campaign: Full Story Told in 1 Hour”

  1. Happy Friday All!

    Different style of video today, in this one, we are recapping the entire story so far for The War Within. If you’ve skipped some cutscenes, not got the time to finish the campaign or want to relive the story, this is the video for you!

    Slowly putting together, a new PC that is going to purpose built for creating these videos for you so hopefully the days of missing small mistakes and taking weeks to create them are almost over.

    Next, I need to cleanse the library halls from a plague that swept through this week and then onto the next tale! Have a great weekend 📚

  2. Thanks a lot for this. I am not playing this expansion and maybe never again. But I want to keep tabs on whats going on. Appreciate this and all other lore videos especially the classic zones lore videos those are my favorites.

  3. So men in WOW are stupid, weak or outright bad. They need to be babysat by women around them to do their jobs properly. Thats very nice. 😀
    lore has become quite boring. I thought since metzen is back, lore would get interesting. but maybe just one man cant change stuff that was being built in the 5-10 years.

  4. This is a fantastic start, but it does have big "act 1" energy, which… it is, it's the first part of a 3 expansion saga. I just can't help but worry if they'll have the chops to deliver it in a way that doesn't feature these huge lulls between interesting content and story beats. It's the opposite of an expansion like Legion which was all climax all the time and felt like it really front loaded the exciting stuff.

  5. I've just leveled and struggled with the story. I read that this lore was amazing but finished thinking that it felt awkward and lazy. I think i was sold a dream by the wow fan streamers again. i am going to watch this and see if i missed something, thank you

  6. WoW needs to find its darkness again. That’s what made TBC and WotLK so good. They were dark, deep and gritty stories.

    Idk wtf happened. I presume most of those writers are gone and that’s why we get the meh stories now.

  7. Wow should have ended many, many expansions ago, and preserved the lore ending with The Sundering during Cataclysm. Then maybe take awhile for creative to come up with a captivating story, instead of the “A new big bad worse than the last guy” scenario they’ve used ever since, put out Warcraft 4 and an expansion which would build up to WoW 2, with modern graphics and allowing players to explore the entirely new landscape after The Sundering and the following events in the RTS, in all its glory, and maybe released one expansion every two years after. The old shitty WoW graphics just look ridiculous, especially after such beautiful cinematics for the current expo. Of course this is just the meaningless opinion of someone who actually gave a shit about the story of WoW and was utterly captivated by the game when it first came out, but come on. When Sylvanas can solo the Lich King, who was a major threat for so long, and we can take down the titan of death who gave him his powers and we now chat it up with the very soul of Azeroth, how much more cosmic can the threats get before they are so powerful they can undo the universe with a thought?

  8. Oh, and calling it now. Illidan somehow saves the day at the end of this after he learns all Sargeras’ reasons for everything he is tricked into believing the Burning Legion were actually the real good guys.

  9. I like how Anduin can't have heard what Alleria told Turalyon, but still went 'we'll be right with her'.

    Alleria: Turalyon, I want you do drill me like I'm the Dark Portal and you're the throbing orcish horde.
    Anduin: We'll be right with her.

  10. Why does someone, no offense, on YouTube have to explain the story to me? Why can't Blizzard do this? Are they too busy smelling money? Your guests are bogged down by text walls, and KILL 20 THINGS PICK THESE UP. EXPLAIN WHY. Freaken hire a story writer like this guy, and fix it!!! This makes the game 100000% better. So thank you, Karzhan Library.

  11. You know how Xala'tath was pretending to be Drenden for years and no one realised?

    Mighty convenient how Khadgar just 'popped out' when the Dark Heart got cracked, but the same thing didnt happen to the absolute mass of power stored in it

    Imagine if she never actually disappeared and instead turned into Khadgar, the absolute perfect face to wear if she wants to subtlely corrupt Alleria

  12. Worst expansion ever but what could I expect from a company that explains this water is not like real water.
    Everything after Lich King is a decline, and a lesson for future story writers except in Blizzard that thrives in a pile of dung.

  13. The War Within Full Story: Girl bosses are Girl Bossing all over, righting the wrongs of the evil White Men who did such evil things as stabilizing society, promoting scientific methodology, and reinventing society to be a more equal place for women and minorities.

  14. I have no each to play WoW any more, but I still like to know the lore, but for the love of G O D this new Alleria model looks like she is going through middle ages as a elf version of "Karen" it hurts my eyes🤣

  15. Your telling of the story is top tier. I just wish the story itself was. It felt like a literal Saturday morning cartoon villian story.

    Villian: "Imma just let the heros get away over and over again to charge this!" shows the maguffin to the heros*" you can't possibly stop me so long as i have it!" *waves it around " not this big target like object!" continues to wave it around " im super smart and powerful and stuff"

    Heros: "im not aiming at you" shoots at glowing orb

    Villian: "Oh no! It seems like you outsmarted my outsmarting! Who would have ever thought I, the super big bad of this expansion, would have been tricked by these do gooders who talk about their feelinga every moment i let them!"


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