The War Within Class Tier List! …Based on Fun! | World of Warcraft

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I’ve finally leveled up every class to 80! I really enjoyed most of the classes and even leveled them all a second time to 70! So I just thought I’d drop in and share my thoughts on how much fun I had leveling up each class. Feel free to let me know what classes you enjoy playing in the War Within in the comments!

Want to know how I play WoW with a controller? How I set up my UI? Check out this playlist here! ►

0:00 – Intro
1:53 – Death Knight
4:29 – Demon Hunter
6:30 – Druid
8:40 – Evoker
10:47 – Hunter
13:08 – Mage
15:08 – Monk
16:30 – Paladin
17:25 – Priest
19:25 – Rogue
21:12 – Shaman
23:25 – Warlock
25:05 – Warrior
27:35 – Closing

I’m Kephas, a legally blind guy who happens to love video games. And I enjoy sharing my gaming experiences with anyone willing to watch. So thanks for watching and supporting me by liking, sharing, and commenting!

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21 thoughts on “The War Within Class Tier List! …Based on Fun! | World of Warcraft”

  1. Ever since they took Combat Rogue and made it Outlaw Rogue I have wanted them to introduce a "mid range" gunslinging rogue, Survival Hunter almost plays like that especially in PvP.

  2. I play assasins rogue and its definetly better and more fun than frost mage or any warlock spec. I have all specs around 600ilvl. Your take is non sense for me. Im also top dps of ny guild with arcane mage as rogue. Also as affliction on certain bosses but rogue dmg profile is just superior unlike affliction. Frost mage is boring. I dont like this tier list but fun is subjective i guess.

  3. Really interesting video! Especially from your personal point of view, but one question… How do you go about tankxiety and healing anxiety. I’ve always wanted to try them both but I’m so scared of letting everyone down. Just wanted to see your opinions :))

  4. ya i love my evoker is started off with dk i enjoyed him very much then i saw a evoker doing his ablity and thought i want to try that and havent beent he same since i still think they need jsut a little touch of somehting to really make them pop but i love how they are now event he fact you stay in dragon form mostly i kinda prefer them that way


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