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Why does Khaz Algar exist? Why does it look the way it does? Today, I answer that question.
00:00 A Strange Place
00:38 The Spark
03:53 The Legend
06:41 The Isle
09:08 The Lake
12:14 The Deep
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can you please tell me the addon you use at 1:07
This story so boring and out of nowhere i rather zzzz
I'd bet my Ashes that the Harronir will be a playable race.
I just don't agree that this is the location of the original world tree. The scale jut isn't right. The coreway is tiny compared to the size of the crater that I believe the original tree would have left. I am still going with Ungoro crater as the original world tree site.
theres a door opposite of the entrance to the ringing deep in the coreway. im guessing its going to be used at some point this expansion.
Azeroth weak point = Death Star weakpoint
Had to pause the vid… what is that quest text addon, love the way it looks!
the water works are nowhere near the hungering pit, otherwise known as "the sink hole"
What if beledar is being used to plug the actual hole of the tree? Can't have the sea drain into those underground caverns. We can however have a giant ordered crystal plugging that hole.
I think the reason there is a long tunnel is that the game needs a long tunnel to give the impression of seamless loading between the zones
The Arathi in Hallowfall don't seem to make any sense to me. They say they were ported down there 10 years ago? but they've managed to build these huge grand structures all over the area? Like they built a giant Cathedral in 10 years with their group of mostly warriors?
On top of that, the whole Arathi Empire thing doesn't smell right to me either. This hugely powerful Empire that used to be linked to the other Human kingdoms just disappears and we've had zero contact with them just travelling around the whole of Azeroth? Sure, you can miss out on a random hidden tribe of someone or other, but a whole human empire? Human's like to head out, explore, expand, etc and the idea they're this total mystery to us and that we are to them too just doesn't seem right to me.
Titans never wanted living beings on Azeroth except Eonar, because they cant be easy controled since have own soul and cant be shutdown as stone guardians can on button. I think guardians was plant on Azeroth to protect and nourish until time come to be harvested just as Harbringer wants. But something tells me they already fuel their world or whatever they r now with Azeroth or is plan for it. Dont think Titans r good guys except Eonar. Wait u want to tell me Crystal in Hollowfall is actual Eonar tear? It make sense lol Just remember voice of any Naru it sounds like Eonar lol
So will deeper levels down the Coreway be patch content, or will part of Midnight also be set there?
so Eonar and Elune are lesbians ?
Some mistakes here. There's optional dialogue early on that speaks about Dornogal's age. It's old, but not as old as the other Titan machinery. It's a city that was built up later, around the Coreway. Yeah, the roots mean Elun'ahir was likely here. And that likely explains why the Coreway was built here after the tree was torn out, and why it was important to Freya. But the Earthen would not have been here during the time of the tree, before the Titans brought them here for the Coreway project. Nor do these Freysworn claim that.
hey bel combed his hair for once
Also, what is that leviathan that, instead of retreating, flies near Beledar? The one named "The Guardian"
"Deeper, deeper its roots will reach. Welcoming our embrace."
Was it something to the effect of "Beware the Vassal of Life, Treachery lurks behind the Eyes of Green?"
Void light life Decay they are all present in this expansion and they are all in the core way. My guess is they’re all trying to get to the world soul, each of these forces wants to control Azeroth or be a part of it you have Freya, who with elune made of the tree to protect it, Freya put her own people there strangely enough they look a lot like night elves who were oncr trolls, illume most likely took Freya’s people that are the missing link and made the night elves using the power of Azeroth a.k.a. the well of eternity they both want that tree to exist because they made it together. It’s giant war. for the world soul
Im sorry but i have to be that guy. they are called fReysworn as in sworn to FREYA, they have nothing to do with FEY
oh wow what is that quest mod?
wasnt there more to the swords involvement though?
Okay so I might be drinking the Kool-Aid here.. but check out the flavour text on the Herbalism Skill Point item "Deepgrove Roots" – "The roots continue to grow even after the rose is plucked. Not useful for any practical purposes, but rather intriguing to study."
so i know it's not your fault at all, i'd just like to point out i just saw a boosting service ad before the video? what the hell?
Only makes sense to senior citizens that have played for 10-15 years everyone else either can’t follow along or doesn’t give a shit and skips anything that isn’t a cutscene. Some people even skip those because they know the story is bad or makes no sense.
so we will get dwarf druids?
what I still don't get is how Azeroth can turn magni into a dwarf again. Wasn't the curse of flesh made by the old gods? So she is just cursing him again? Or removing the diamond body makes him turn back to the curse?
I’m pretty sure that the next zone we visit in TWW will not just be a “goblin zone” a la Mechagon like people are speculating, but an underground jungle a la Land of the Lost that mirrors Scholozar and Un’goro, and that Undermine will simply be a raid within it.
The raid will probably involve us teaming up with the haronir to stop the Venture Company who is harvesting the roots as a replacement for the depleted kajamite, both of which probably draw from Eonar’s life magic.
Hey what addon makes his quests look like that sheet of paper?
So we are all on a giant Death Star with a small weak point, cool
So, now Elune and Freya are l3sb1ans? But what if Sargeras start identifing as an old God? Would he be transpecies? Gosh they can't keep wokeism out of this game…