34 thoughts on “The War Within Is Bringing Casual Players Back To WoW”
BTW: Timers are bad. That's why so many casuals hate M+. The constant stress. If you want to drink something, smoke or just go to the restroom you will fail M+ keys. That's not what casuals want. That's what triehards want. More focus on CC and actually use your skills to increase difficulty, not skipping all the content and AOE everything down that can't be skipped.
Things that brought me back to wow: dragonflight got positive reviews, talents, dragonriding, professions, lore, world activities, transmogs, delves. I did one dungeon since coming back and it felt so rushed I had no idea what was going on. It wasn't fun. I don't care about PvP or raiding for similar reasons. I want to go at my own pace, chill and have fun.
Playing this game without raiding, dungeons or pvp doesn't make a player any less hardcore. Any fellow altoholic like me is a hardcore gamer, regardless of how they play their alts. For me it's the outdoor world and collecting. Nope, I ain't a casual player. To me that dude who only logs in once a week for a few hours of a mythic raid with their guild is a casual player. That raider might call me a casual player because I only do outdoor content. In the end why not just call ourselves "gamers" … no label of any sort…
Exploring the world as the only method for leveling is a quite effective way to level and it's probably the less stressful way of leveling I know of.
I played two months in legion and quitted because i couldn't find any friends. Then gave the game a try again in shadowlands for a month but it felt weird. Now am grinding the shit of our remix for a month now and i can see my self playing this game a lot if those new account wide changes go indeed live. Am a fan of the lore since warcraft three but the game always alienated me with convoluted systems and an unfriendly community. But now am enjoying the game alongside my partner and things look bright for the future, i got hopes for this game.
I have come back to the game after nine years. Endgame didn’t matter to me then and I don’t care about it now. I play to relax and forget about the real world for a hour or two a day. I listen to YouTube content that gives me information about what’s going on in the game. I don’t have time to read articles, search forms and spend time in the Beta. I don’t have enough time to play through once much less twice. I don’t watch Endgame videos by anyone because I’m never going to get to Endgame. The only thing that really bothers me if how negative all YouTube creators are about the game. I don’t even know why some of them even play the game. They seem to trash it all the time. Nothing is never good enough and they whine about it everyday. Of course I stop watching those videos very quickly because if I wanted to listen to people whine and complain I would stay at work.
I've been a PvPer, I've been a hardcore raider, I've hit M+ pretty hard. I tank / DPS and I've gone through plenty of ups and downs with this game.
I've come to the conclusion that I hate other players. I hate ilvl and IO scores. I hate metas. I don't want to be in a guild anymore. I hate that the game is basically already solved.. and that I need addons to be able to play because the game is designed to cater to hyper niche players. I hate so many aspects of the game.. but I do enjoy running M+ with my friends and leveling alts. I want more things to do in the world, and I want M+ to focus more on fun and less on stressing me out.
I want Delves / Warbands to solve my complaints… but I'm expecting to get sucked in to TWW and then be horrendously disappointed.
As a casual player myself. I just wish some of the open world stuff was vanilla level dangerous in some degree. It gets boring just effortlessly killing quest mobs that are not threatening.
Thank you for this discussion. So here's the thing you're still glossing over. "The people who've always been in and around the game" are the people who like M+ because that is who Blizzard has been serving up until DF. They stay around because there is a game for them to play.
It turns out that when you make content for open world and solo players, they stay and play it. And gradually, They become the players that are "always around".
So they admit they needed a solo pve progression mode but yet solo pvp progression has to be sabotaged to solo shuffle / exclusively team based game based modes. There's no valid argument against a 1v1 bracket. They literally put prot paladins in their own seperate queue bracket for solo shuffle rather than trying to balance it. So that means balance isn't even a factor to them for the specs because they'll just isolate things to completely different bracket. Which is insane because you can alter how dampening works per role to let every spec be viable. It's just insane to me.
Raiding and pushing mythics is beyond boring af. Repeating the exact same crap daily or weekly is sadder than being forced to watch your parents favorite tv show.
Because m+ is a horrible experience. You have a massive player base that wants something fun to do, and m+ is not it. See mop remix, plunderstorm & SOD.
Metzen talking about World Soul Saga plus MOP remix brought me back after 12 years. Now I've done all Dragonflight and all BFA story content and lfr and excited for The War Within. Never going to touch Mythic anything.
Game will remain dead as long as mythic raiding is locked to 20 man. Nobody with a stable life is scheduling 20 30+ year old men to raid 2-3 times per week. The game is centered around 3,000 losers who urinate in jugs while they lose millions of subscriptions. It's Blizzard so it makes complete sense because it makes no sense. I used to make several friends and just walk into hard mode raids, and sometimes we even completed them, up until it was ruined in WoD. No appeal in this game anymore.
I dont raid or care about mythic plus at all. Also all of the jargon in it means nothing to me half of the video is full of words and phrases I literally do not understand.
I am 34. My wife is 37. We have both played WoW since beta of wow. Her and I want a more casual experience where you can feel good about your gear. And they’re doing it!!
M+ is the biggest scam. “Hey, you know how you want new content? Well we’re going to let you run the same content hundreds of times, but still keep you on the gear treadmill.” PVE endgame is soooo boring.
I went from semi-hardcore wow player to a more hardcore degenerate gold maker. I do not do raids, mythic+, pvp or collecting i play the game how i want to play the game now and yeah do not like the seasonal aspect of these modern games. Gold making is endless your progress isnt replaced every 6 months i prefer it now. Plus that toxic player in me no longer exists and im glad for it.
100% logic. ofc people love warcraft still. ALOT of people just quit when the game got faster and and time gated and harder (mythic and mythic +) people love to hang out in wow, do some chill raids and not hardcore sweaty spreadsheet crap. the quit masses just leave when they are not interrested instead of fighting and yelling and hateposting on X
replayability MUST increase. i fucking hate doing dragonflight questing again and again and again. but i would do 1-60 over and over again with chromie.
I was a dedicated original wow player up to lych king. cata came out and my disc priest went from feeling epic to feeling like.. total crap. mmo's in general have totally changed.. i played swg and classic wow and before those does anyone remember Shadowbane? Played Rift and for many years EvE Online o7 .. I never had a problem finding a guild/clan or Corp. I didn't do early WoW raiding but got into it by lych king, and like I said cata just made me quit. I would come back and quest back up to max level from time to time just to keep my two mains up to date.. but skipped at least the last expansion and most of Dragonflight only getting back into it about a week ago. Within one hour of returning, and while still trying to relearn everything I get my first PM from someone.. 'noob af'.. ROFLMA .. oh how times have changed. Like others have said here, could care less about mythic.. 1% of the players? sounds about right. But thats like what every freaking video is about. I can't even find a good build for my characters because if everything isn't based around season 4 set bonuses, they're build off last seasons. I'm over here like.. what if I'm just coming back?? lol Dragon flight is pretty cool tho and what I've seen of WW I like, maybe I'll even find a nice guild and start doing some group content again.. that would be really nice. Former healer for hire!! 😀
Well we will see about that if War within bring back the casual players back, I'm still sceptical because the expansion is not even out and I need to see it happen before I reconsider playing retail again. Atm as a casual player, world content feels like a sidelined play style, and once progression stalls, the game quickly loses its appeal, leading to quitting. If it were up to me, I'd have unique progression systems and rewards for world content and instanced content. Just to be able to progress gear wise at a decent pace, to have a propose to play the game as a casual.
as a ex hard core raider i just burnt out raiding and the whole mythic plus thing i never cared about or cared in any from even drop out of guild thing and have nothing to do with the trade post
BTW: Timers are bad. That's why so many casuals hate M+. The constant stress. If you want to drink something, smoke or just go to the restroom you will fail M+ keys. That's not what casuals want. That's what triehards want. More focus on CC and actually use your skills to increase difficulty, not skipping all the content and AOE everything down that can't be skipped.
Things that brought me back to wow: dragonflight got positive reviews, talents, dragonriding, professions, lore, world activities, transmogs, delves. I did one dungeon since coming back and it felt so rushed I had no idea what was going on. It wasn't fun. I don't care about PvP or raiding for similar reasons. I want to go at my own pace, chill and have fun.
I’ll do some M+ for my vault and stuff but I’m not a grinder. I just wanna get my aotc lol
Playing this game without raiding, dungeons or pvp doesn't make a player any less hardcore. Any fellow altoholic like me is a hardcore gamer, regardless of how they play their alts. For me it's the outdoor world and collecting. Nope, I ain't a casual player. To me that dude who only logs in once a week for a few hours of a mythic raid with their guild is a casual player. That raider might call me a casual player because I only do outdoor content. In the end why not just call ourselves "gamers" … no label of any sort…
Exploring the world as the only method for leveling is a quite effective way to level and it's probably the less stressful way of leveling I know of.
I played two months in legion and quitted because i couldn't find any friends. Then gave the game a try again in shadowlands for a month but it felt weird. Now am grinding the shit of our remix for a month now and i can see my self playing this game a lot if those new account wide changes go indeed live. Am a fan of the lore since warcraft three but the game always alienated me with convoluted systems and an unfriendly community. But now am enjoying the game alongside my partner and things look bright for the future, i got hopes for this game.
I have come back to the game after nine years. Endgame didn’t matter to me then and I don’t care about it now. I play to relax and forget about the real world for a hour or two a day. I listen to YouTube content that gives me information about what’s going on in the game. I don’t have time to read articles, search forms and spend time in the Beta. I don’t have enough time to play through once much less twice. I don’t watch Endgame videos by anyone because I’m never going to get to Endgame. The only thing that really bothers me if how negative all YouTube creators are about the game. I don’t even know why some of them even play the game. They seem to trash it all the time. Nothing is never good enough and they whine about it everyday. Of course I stop watching those videos very quickly because if I wanted to listen to people whine and complain I would stay at work.
I've been a PvPer, I've been a hardcore raider, I've hit M+ pretty hard. I tank / DPS and I've gone through plenty of ups and downs with this game.
I've come to the conclusion that I hate other players. I hate ilvl and IO scores. I hate metas. I don't want to be in a guild anymore. I hate that the game is basically already solved.. and that I need addons to be able to play because the game is designed to cater to hyper niche players. I hate so many aspects of the game.. but I do enjoy running M+ with my friends and leveling alts. I want more things to do in the world, and I want M+ to focus more on fun and less on stressing me out.
I want Delves / Warbands to solve my complaints… but I'm expecting to get sucked in to TWW and then be horrendously disappointed.
As a casual player myself. I just wish some of the open world stuff was vanilla level dangerous in some degree. It gets boring just effortlessly killing quest mobs that are not threatening.
I think with how we are now on Cata Classic we’re going to have more cross over
Thank you for this discussion.
So here's the thing you're still glossing over. "The people who've always been in and around the game" are the people who like M+ because that is who Blizzard has been serving up until DF. They stay around because there is a game for them to play.
It turns out that when you make content for open world and solo players, they stay and play it. And gradually, They become the players that are "always around".
So they admit they needed a solo pve progression mode but yet solo pvp progression has to be sabotaged to solo shuffle / exclusively team based game based modes. There's no valid argument against a 1v1 bracket. They literally put prot paladins in their own seperate queue bracket for solo shuffle rather than trying to balance it. So that means balance isn't even a factor to them for the specs because they'll just isolate things to completely different bracket. Which is insane because you can alter how dampening works per role to let every spec be viable. It's just insane to me.
Xbox had the trailer in their showcase thats why
Raiding and pushing mythics is beyond boring af.
Repeating the exact same crap daily or weekly is sadder than being forced to watch your parents favorite tv show.
Because m+ is a horrible experience. You have a massive player base that wants something fun to do, and m+ is not it. See mop remix, plunderstorm & SOD.
Metzen talking about World Soul Saga plus MOP remix brought me back after 12 years. Now I've done all Dragonflight and all BFA story content and lfr and excited for The War Within. Never going to touch Mythic anything.
I quit retail wow in bfa, seems like the game is made around M+ now and I just find M+ fundamentals boring
casual players are waiting for fresh classic
Game will remain dead as long as mythic raiding is locked to 20 man. Nobody with a stable life is scheduling 20 30+ year old men to raid 2-3 times per week. The game is centered around 3,000 losers who urinate in jugs while they lose millions of subscriptions. It's Blizzard so it makes complete sense because it makes no sense. I used to make several friends and just walk into hard mode raids, and sometimes we even completed them, up until it was ruined in WoD. No appeal in this game anymore.
I dont raid or care about mythic plus at all. Also all of the jargon in it means nothing to me half of the video is full of words and phrases I literally do not understand.
Raiding would be great if there wasn’t 3 tiers of it. Just make one version, kill the addons or greatly reduce them and reduce the garbage item bloat.
I played until 2013. I don't know what torghast, delves, mage tower or mythic dungeons are. But somehow I am here again. Loktar ogar!
I am 34. My wife is 37. We have both played WoW since beta of wow. Her and I want a more casual experience where you can feel good about your gear. And they’re doing it!!
M+ is the biggest scam. “Hey, you know how you want new content? Well we’re going to let you run the same content hundreds of times, but still keep you on the gear treadmill.” PVE endgame is soooo boring.
The Warband stuff should of happened like a year after transmog was implemented it's crazy how long people have been asking for something like this
World of Pastacraft.
I loved the Italian restaurant analogy
I went from semi-hardcore wow player to a more hardcore degenerate gold maker. I do not do raids, mythic+, pvp or collecting i play the game how i want to play the game now and yeah do not like the seasonal aspect of these modern games. Gold making is endless your progress isnt replaced every 6 months i prefer it now. Plus that toxic player in me no longer exists and im glad for it.
100% logic. ofc people love warcraft still.
ALOT of people just quit when the game got faster and and time gated and harder (mythic and mythic +)
people love to hang out in wow, do some chill raids and not hardcore sweaty spreadsheet crap.
the quit masses just leave when they are not interrested instead of fighting and yelling and hateposting on X
replayability MUST increase. i fucking hate doing dragonflight questing again and again and again. but i would do 1-60 over and over again with chromie.
nope they dumbed down m+ but it still sucks it can have no affixes and m+ would still suck if i cant queue it no thx.
I was a dedicated original wow player up to lych king. cata came out and my disc priest went from feeling epic to feeling like.. total crap. mmo's in general have totally changed.. i played swg and classic wow and before those does anyone remember Shadowbane? Played Rift and for many years EvE Online o7 .. I never had a problem finding a guild/clan or Corp. I didn't do early WoW raiding but got into it by lych king, and like I said cata just made me quit. I would come back and quest back up to max level from time to time just to keep my two mains up to date.. but skipped at least the last expansion and most of Dragonflight only getting back into it about a week ago. Within one hour of returning, and while still trying to relearn everything I get my first PM from someone.. 'noob af'.. ROFLMA .. oh how times have changed. Like others have said here, could care less about mythic.. 1% of the players? sounds about right. But thats like what every freaking video is about. I can't even find a good build for my characters because if everything isn't based around season 4 set bonuses, they're build off last seasons. I'm over here like.. what if I'm just coming back?? lol Dragon flight is pretty cool tho and what I've seen of WW I like, maybe I'll even find a nice guild and start doing some group content again.. that would be really nice. Former healer for hire!! 😀
Well we will see about that if War within bring back the casual players back, I'm still sceptical because the expansion is not even out and I need to see it happen before I reconsider playing retail again. Atm as a casual player, world content feels like a sidelined play style, and once progression stalls, the game quickly loses its appeal, leading to quitting. If it were up to me, I'd have unique progression systems and rewards for world content and instanced content. Just to be able to progress gear wise at a decent pace, to have a propose to play the game as a casual.
'I want to do it for the bunny ears' that have me halo infinite flashback, unsubbed
as a ex hard core raider i just burnt out raiding and the whole mythic plus thing i never cared about or cared in any from even drop out of guild thing and have nothing to do with the trade post