The War Within Review: This Is The Warcraft We’ve Been Missing

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We’ve played the War Within narrative. We’ve soaked up it’s tone. While far from perfect, it’s a major improvement.


27 thoughts on “The War Within Review: This Is The Warcraft We’ve Been Missing”

  1. This ia a cycle of crap.. classic wow is the only wow.. modern wow is just a waiting room for instances and or a solo grind through world quests and torghast like instances.

  2. WoW campaigns might be too short, but I've just finished Dawntrail and it was a god damn slog. At least WoW doesnt shamelessly stretch out its story in the way XIV does

  3. One epic quest that comes to mind might surprise people, but it's the Maldraxxus starting quest in Shadowlands. Just running into an arena free for all with everyone fighting everyone felt epic to me. And I would have loved it if they kept it like that. No matter the time of day or progression of story, if you could just return to that arena to fight massive free for alls with other players and NPC's I would have done so, so many times. Sadly they didn't so I didn't either.

  4. The quest for Verigan's Fist in Vanilla was peak for me. Original Death Knight intro was another peak example. Class specific quests, like the Vanilla Warlock demon and mount quests are also noteworthy. So basically things that add depth to your character.

  5. the things that are most "WoW" to me will always be Draenor Intro and Legion, especially Suramar. This were THE best campaigns ever. Draenor Intro is always cool and epic, even on the 27th char.

  6. The problem with the "Essence of WoW" is that it is different for everyone. Some people say that WoW has returned to glory and others say that WoW is dead. People have said this with everyone expansion ever. So just play the game with the bits that you find fun and if you don't have fun, come back with the next patch or expansion because lets be honost most people always come back to WoW no matter what.


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